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Legend of Korra

a red nine

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Did anyone watch today's episode? 2.gif

The nose rub was already cute and then when he want the whole nine yards

I'm a Bolin girl to the core but his 'trick' definitely scored Mako some points

I hope that isn't the last time he uses it hypnonew.gif

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I know you already know this sis but rewatched like ten times before I even finished the episode LOL *u* Even if it was faked it was pretty cute. Also a Bolin girl but everything about the set-up and the release where he bended at the waist (no fire-bending pun intended huhuhu) was pretty fine *V*

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You beat me to this XD I was gonna post bout the new episode and yes Mako he made me squee with the sneeze talk even more squeeing dfhfdngn

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One word: UNF!!

Fake as it was, that sneeze could not have possibly been more hilariously hot.

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OH boy, I was just wondering if anybody else had seen this ep. and freaked as much as I did. Kind of akward with my g-ma in the room, but still so HAWT! (literally) sweatdrop.gif

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OMG. Just saw it. I'm just really glad I wasn't watching this one with friends because I would have been really embarrassed. Hnng...exaggerated buildup.

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I SAW IT! and i was bubbling inside. except i couldn't fully enjoy it since i was watching it with my brother and friend! i had ti contain myself! >.<

but uumph i loved it so much.

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Yes!! I loved this part - as soon as he commented on the "dust" in the workshop, all I could think was, "Is he going to sneeze? He better sneeze!" I swear when I saw it, I blushed like mad and hoped my brother didn't notice while I freaked out inside. SO pleased at this surprise. :heart:

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AAAAAHHH yes I just watched it! Mako is totally awesome!

Have you noticed that that's the first fire-sneeze we've seen (even if it wasn't real)? I hope it's not the last...

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AAAAARGH curse my location... xD

So yeah, I've been trying to catch up with Korra online now and just got to ep 7. x3

Though I'm a total coldwhore and don't really care for... unnecessary shiz, that fake sneeze, oh god... It was so cute and so funny! Damn~

Makooooo<3 xD

...how is it that there is always a rather hot firebender in avatar who would be soooo perfect for fetishy art and fiction.... @_____@

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Ah! Yes! I haven't been home, so I had to catch up on a couple episodes! Luckily I happened to be watching this was by myself and was free to squee to my heart's content! The whole thing was so perfect, from the dust comment to the nose rub to the buildup (with talking!) to the explosive heh.gif conclusion. Even if it was fake, it was still awesome. And, not to cause a debate or anything, but I'm a total Mako girl. I've always wanted to see a "fire sneeze"... hopefully we get more in the future! (A real cold would be nice.....)

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