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Safe (X-Men First Class drabble, Charles/Erik)


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Just a little drabble of pure, slightly AU fluff. Enjoy :)


A small, pitiful groan sounded from under the pile of blankets next to Erik and he stirred, rolling over as the sheet slipped from his body, exposing a broad stroke of his muscled chest. At his side, Charles' sandy brown hair peeked from beneath the nest of quilts.

“Judging from that pathetic noise, I'll guess you aren't feeling better.”

Shut it,” Charles' voice said inside his head. Even the man's mental projections sounded congested, if that was possible.

“C'mon, love,” Erik coaxed, nudging the blankets back from his lover's iron grip. Charles' face appeared, eyes tightly closed and cheek pressed to his pillow. His poor nose, already a little large for his face, was swollen and angry red, with a thin sheen of mucus clinging to the raw edges. His full, cherry lips were chapped and peeling from his continued shallow breaths through his mouth. Each inhale and exhale whistled almost inaudibly as his lungs strained to get air. Pitiful.

“You look truly terrible,” Erik said, pushing aside his feelings of worry and focusing on getting the man more comfortable. He lifted Charles' hips a little, sliding the small man into a more upright position. “Do you want me to fetch you some water?”

“No,” Charles croaked. “I'll go.”

“Don't be ridiculous,” replied Erik. “I'll go.”

Their relationship in regards to Charles' impairment was still rocky. They'd managed to reconcile after the incident on the beach and eventually, Erik moved back to the Xavier estate, but the subject of Charles' injury was a sore one. Erik tried to let the man have as much independence as possible and Charles was often too proud to ask for help.

Erik went to the washroom and filled the toothbrush glass with water, returning to the bed and handing it to Charles, who'd managed to prop himself upright with the aid of another pillow.

“Ta,” he said, taking the glass and sipping the water. Setting it down half finished on the nightstand, he leaned over, straining to reach the drawer in the small cabinet where he kept his handkerchiefs.

“Don't fall out,” Erik said, rushing around the side of the bed to catch Charles as he nearly tumbled from the mattress. “Here.”

He took several plaid handkerchiefs from the drawer and put them safely in Charles' lap.

“I don't mind helping; just ask.”

Charles raised a cloth to his nose and blew futilely; a horrible honking sound squelching from his sinuses. When he pulled the handkerchief away, Erik leaned in and kissed his reddened nose where a light spray of freckles dappled the ridge.

“Stop, you'll make me...”

He broke off as his voice rose and cracked in anticipation. The sneeze burst out, throaty and wet.


With a miserable sniff, Charles pressed the handkerchief back to his face and cleared away some congestion.

“Sneeze,” he finished, scowling at Erik. “A second earlier and I'd've sprayed you in the face and you'd be sick too.”

“For a PhD graduate, you've got a poor grasp on how quickly infections spread,” Erik teased.

“And you've got a poor grasp on how bloody awful I feel,” Charles replied. “Come 'ere.”

He settled back into the nest of blankets, reaching for Erik. The larger man held the smaller close to his chest.

“You're warm,” Erik said, stroking Charles' hair as the professor snorted back congestion and tried to get comfortable.


Charles' nose pressed into the soft cotton of Erik's undershirt as he sneezed again, dampening a spot on the white fabric.

Sorry,” Charles' voice said inside Erik's head

“Don't worry about it,” Erik said. “Back to sleep, okay?”

Charles made a contented little sighing sound and turned his reddened nose upwards, emitting a snore. Once the man was asleep, Erik lingered, a cool hand resting on his lover's brow. It was Saturday; no classes were held in the newly christened Xavier Institute today. Erik couldn't remember the last time he'd allowed himself the luxury of remaining in bed all day, but this was different. Stretching out, closed his eyes and dozed off with Charles safe in his arms.

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Oh Dusty. This is so so so so adorably perfect. Erik being all worried, and Charles being all grumpy and sick.

Oh, I am literally just squealing and rolling around right now...it's always lovely to see new stuff from you! <3


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I'm not really familiar with the X-Men fandom, but this drabble was so cute, adorable, fluffy and brilliantly written, that it didn't even matter! I loved this. Amazing work :)

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MMMMM sick!Charles/Erik... never ever ever enough of this. You really nailed Erik's dialogue! His first line was so smooth and terse, so HIM.

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It's been a while since you've made me squeal like a piglet. shy.gif Sheesh!

I love these two. So very much. This drabble had so many personal weaknesses of miiiiiine. Like, the mention of Charles having James' freckles on his nose? O-or how the kiss to said freckled nose made him sneeze? alskdflk;sdflKSFjSdf

*Deeeep breath*

Thank you for this. I needed some fresh Cherik in my life. wub.png

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Awwww, this is wonderful. We all need more McAvoy in our lives- and his freckled nose made me squee too! Beautiful.

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! So friggin' adorable. happy.png This is great! watsup.gif

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  • 2 months later...

ASDFGHJKLASDFFFFFF. Oh dear god yes. <3

This is all kinds of perfection~ I mean--ugh. Dusty. You wonderful human being, you.

I love this so much.

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  • 1 year later...
Charles raised a cloth to his nose and blew futilely; a horrible honking sound squelching from his sinuses. When he pulled the handkerchief away, Erik leaned in and kissed his reddened nose where a light spray of freckles dappled the ridge.

“Stop, you'll make me...”

He broke off as his voice rose and cracked in anticipation. The sneeze burst out, throaty and wet.


omg.gif I love how you described his freckles, "a light spray of freckles dappled the ridge."


Charles' nose pressed into the soft cotton of Erik's undershirt as he sneezed again, dampening a spot on the white fabric.

“Sorry,” Charles' voice said inside Erik's head

“Don't worry about it,” Erik said. “Back to sleep, okay?”

Awwwww and Erik is totally okay with being sneezed on. wub.png

Excellent decision having this take place after the beach scene, they're both so much more raw now but at the same time it's so sweet. I guess that makes it bittersweet. tonguesmiley.gif

Edited by AnonyMouse
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