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Sneeze Fetish Forum

This Frustrating Fetish


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We all know how frustrating this fetish can be, relient as it is on witnessing and hearing other people sneeze/blow their nose. Many's the time I have seen some putting a hankie back in their pocket having missed the preceding blow, and then feeling miserable that I had missed it.

Twice on Saturday I had a frustrating experience. I was walking into town to meet a friend, and two young men. aged 19 maybe, and cute, were walking in front of me. We were passing a convenience store and in fact had gone passed the entrance, when one of the men said to his friend, "Let's go in there, I need to get some tissues". I was directly behind them so had to step out their way as they turned around, and for one fleeting moment I had the urge to follow them in the store and lurk (creep that I am) until he had bought the tissues, as it would have invariably have been followed up by a blow. I decided against it, as I was nearly late for meeting my friend, but I can't tell you how much this pissed me off. I was actually mad with myself for not following them in, and missing a potentially great blow.

When I did meet my friend, we were in a snooker club, and from one of the other tables, I heard a man blowing his nose, I looked up just to see some at the other end of the club putting the tissue back in his pockets. I kept looking over for the rest of the time there but he didn't blow again and again, I felt I had missed out.

Having said that, there are times when I am in the right place at the right time. I was at a train station a few weeks ago when an attractive man came and sat next to me, waiting for the train. The man promptly sneezed into his hands, leaving snot, and looking awkard. Thankfully the man was sitting next to a horrendous fetishist so I promptly offered him a tissue, where he then wiped his hands and blew his nose nicely, and was very grateful. (I didn't get his number though :-( )

Is the near-miss aspect of this fetish the most exciting, or do you find it frustrating when you miss a sighting?

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Dear Kleeny,

The forum was unavailable these last days, so not to worry. When I recently arrived at our national airport and changed clothes in one of the may bathrooms, someone was blowing his nose a lot in one of the cubicles. after a while this young military police guy came out, still sniffling a bit. He must have used loo paper. Such a pity... So I sympathize, but you already knew that!

Take care,


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Oh god yes, I feel your pain, man! I don't really care if I miss a nose blowing, but sneezing? DAMN, it's PAINFUL to know you have just missed something or are going to miss something! UGH! I just wrote in another thread in the general section that I was told by someone I LOOOOOVE to see sneeze that he had a sneeze event of 4 or 5 sneezes in a row the other day...something I would have KILLED (well, not quite, but almost!) to see...and I missed it. He hardly ever sneezes more than once, or at the most, twice. I could not stop agonising over this for several days...

Also, many years ago my partner got a cold and the day she got it, she had to go away to visit family for 5 days. So...I was NOT HAPPY that I knew I'd be missing out on all her delicious cold sneezes. OH MY GOD, IT WAS HARD!!!!!

Edited by stevie_sloth
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Thank you both for replying, and for sharing your frustrations, especially the military guy in the cubicle! Arrgh!

Sorry for being stroppy about replies, I just saw the number of page views and no one had contributed, feels like talking to a brick wall I guess.


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I have a serious cold fetish, and it is frustrating as all heck!

My fiance pretty much catches every cold that comes near him, but he frustrates me by not being at all willing to share. He purposely leaves the room when he has to sneeze or blow his nose, because he doesn't want me to catch anything from him, but it also means I never EVER get to see him sneeze!!

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Oh god yes I know the pain :(

I've been in this situation numerous times where I know a girl has a fantastic sneeze or nose blow, but they either never do it or purposely avoid it :(

I was with a girl once, one day she had a horrendous sneezing fit and had to grab a tissue with her eyes still closed from all the sneezing and honked her nose extremely loudly into the tissue, with fragments of the tissue floating down her top because of the force - that's how good she was! But from then on, whenever we went out she would always rush to the toilet to honk her nose, and would always TELL me she needed to sneeze but would go behind a tree and stifle it without me hearing :(

The worst time though was with a girl who had incredible honking nose blows. I will post about her soon for those interested (if you have seen my other posts where I mention that I will talk about her), but she basically honked and sneezed whenever. But one time, she had had a really bad cold for the past 3 weeks and was sniffing and sneezing all the time, but I had never got a nose blow out of her the whole time which was frustrating. I was going out to see a football match with some friends and as I was saying goodbye to her she sneezed and pulled out her tissues. She put the tissues over her nose....breathed it.....and....her phone rang..... -_- I left her in peace on the phone and just waved, and when I got back 2 days later the cold had gone.... >:(

I could write many more, but this post would go on forever....

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I have a serious cold fetish, and it is frustrating as all heck!

My fiance pretty much catches every cold that comes near him, but he frustrates me by not being at all willing to share. He purposely leaves the room when he has to sneeze or blow his nose, because he doesn't want me to catch anything from him, but it also means I never EVER get to see him sneeze!!

How awful. On the one hand, he sounds like a very considerate man to think about leaving the room to save his germs, but on the other, how incredibly frustrating not to see his sneeze! A double edged sword indeed.

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Thank you Honklover, and yes, how frickin' annoying are those examples, for you, especially the girl who put the tissue over her nose and didn't blow. It's like having to abort a wank because your parents have come home!

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Thank you Honklover, and yes, how frickin' annoying are those examples, for you, especially the girl who put the tissue over her nose and didn't blow. It's like having to abort a wank because your parents have come home!

Worse than that by far in my opinion haha
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How awful. On the one hand, he sounds like a very considerate man to think about leaving the room to save his germs, but on the other, how incredibly frustrating not to see his sneeze! A double edged sword indeed.

Well... since a lot of my fetish is related to the thrill of catching a cold from him, especially getting him to sneeze uncovered NEAR me I really hate that he leaves the room!! I really WANT to be exposed to the contagion!!

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