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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I was diagnosed with *** !


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On a Dutch site about fetishes I came across a fetish test.

A series of pictures is shown, and you have to indicate which attracts you most (or check the I-don't-care-box).

I decided to give it a try and look at the result...


There is a core of thruth in it :-)


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I don't speech Dutch, but I just went with the images...the first time it told me I had a crushing/giant fetish and the second time that I had a corset fetish...I'm not entirely sure why! :-P But that's pretty interesting!

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Mother of god, the things this test wanted me to choose between... shock.gif

(Oh, and apparently I have a fetish for phone sex. Which I guess is sort of accurate. Hello, voice obsession. :rolleyes: )

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I used Google Translate for a few things, but I also just went by the pictures for a few. I thought it was actually pretty interesting overall. It properly diagnosed me with a sneezing fetish, and it said my number 2 would be a glasses fetish. xD I really didn't think any of my answers pointed to that, but that's actually sort of true. xD I don't find glasses stimulating in the same way that sneezes are, but I do think people with glasses can be pretty cute.

I sort of like this thing, but I felt weird taking the test. I don't really know how to explain it. I just felt sort of embarrassed or something, even though obviously no one's watching me. xD

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Taking the test entirely on pictures, it told me I have a phone sex? Fetish. I think that's what it was depicting... XD

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I'm surprised the sneeze fetish is acknowledged at all, let alone so apparently accurately described. As a collector of Dutch sneezetalk, I do love aard van de nies, which is clearly the name of a modernist artist or architect.[Well, aard is earth, as in aardvark , so I take it to mean ground or cause].

When I tried the quiz, however, it told me I was a fruit fetishist! And I had ticked the red nose and everything....

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Taking the test entirely on pictures, it told me I have a phone sex? Fetish. I think that's what it was depicting... XD

Apparently I have a phone sex fetish too!! (Which I'm pretty certain is incorrect ;) - that's not to say I could never enjoy it though)

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Apparently I have a sock fetish. That strikes me as odd since I absolutely hate socks, on my feet or anyone else's. XD Most of the things that it came up with for me were incredibly inaccurate, but I love tests and surveys like these.

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My results were that I have a sneeze fetish but it's the other ones that disturb me a little. The next one was a vomit fetishunsure.png, a blindfold fetish (Guilty of that. Bondage and other things are awesome), a breastfeeding fetishhuh.png and then a fur fetish... dots.gif . Vomit is awful, I don't care for breast feeding period and fur... just no...

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Aha, what a kooky place the internet can be :P At least we get some comfort from this, knowing that out fetish definitely isn't the weirdest out there :P

I took the test, and I got sneeze fetishist :D Then Phone Sex fetishist came 2nd. Then Nun fetish came third :P Quite weird, indeed.

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...I'm sjupposed to have a nunfetiash? LoL

And the second place goes to... Somethingnotquitealive. B| LoL Well, the gravestone is pretty. 8'D

Anyway, this was fun. 8'D

Edited by Sitruuna
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Yup, it also diagnosed me with a sneezing fetish. heh.gif To be fair, I did answer the questions "right" tonguesmiley.gif

Apparently I've also got high scores on emetophilia, smoking fetish, spanking fetish and a corset fetish. heh.gif ... am afraid those are less than accurate. tonguesmiley.gif

ETA: Tried again: glove fetish, blindfold fetish, giant fetish, spanking fetish and corset fetish... xD I am amused.

Edited by Sigrith
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I have a fruit fetish lmfao.gif Hmm, while I DO like my food, it doesn't do THAT much for me! bleh.gif

Next, a fetish for glasses; while I think glasses can be very cute, definitely not a fetish. Then, a breastfeeding fetish...er...no xD Then a spanking fetish (okay, maybe a little bit...tonguesmiley.gif) and then a nun fetish. Nun fetish??? xD Nooooo tonguesmiley.gif

I did it again and it told me I had a cigarette fetish, which couldn't be further from the truth xD I hate cigarettes...the smell alone makes me sick.

Quite fun anyway biggrin.png

Edited by Kiwifruit
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I laughed pretty hard at the nun fetish, I have to say. xD I also felt very awkward taking this test.. Maybe it was the crude art and those awful clouds floating in the background? Also the comparisons - "which do I prefer, condoms or inflatable boats". Lovely.. xD

In the end... ughh.. I got breasts, corsets, giants, fruit, and amputees?? That in no way fits me at all. xD

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^Haha, agreed about the crude art and clouds - for some it's like "yeah, okay, I like that one better...but...I like the other PICTURE better. Which do you want me to choose?" Heh, for half I clicked the "it doesn't matter" button - I probably got one vote for a few random categories (though I still have no clue how they ended up with the smoking one...I definitely didn't pick anything to do with that xP) and they put them in whatever order. Ah well, it was fun anyway tonguesmiley.gif

Edited by Kiwifruit
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Haha, another nun fetishist here, apparently! lmfao.gif Always wondered why I got so fidgety when those "Sister Act" films come on...

I had a second go, though, and sure enough I was a sneeze fetish guy again. Though the choices I got the first time were a lot more awkward, so I'm not sure I knew what I was saying.

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Crush Fetishist..

Ok, I like to step on crunchy looking leaves on the ground- but thats it! ):<

Edited by cheech
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Same here!! Which is pretty hilarious to me, seeing as I totally have a hot-n-heavy thing for priests.

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I have a fruit fetish Hmm, while I DO like my food, it doesn't do THAT much for me!

But you are a kiwi. :P

So.... if I have a fruit fetish..... :twisted:;) *cheeky grin*

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