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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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Omg. Anony. This...this is GORGEOUS. :0 Your art just gets better every time!! His hair is amazing agh and obviously that expression...

Nom. Thank you for this. I'm off to fangirl now. :wub:

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Dude, I absolutely ADORE the concept of someone needing to sneeze while doing somthing important like performing music. also, wow, your getting really good!

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Aw, thanks guys. :) I actually drew this laying down because I'm lazy. :laugh: I finally figured out how to utilize the layers tool in GIMP... makes it so much easier to color/outline.

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HOLY SHIT YES. Mouse, you're a wonder. Nngghh, how is he so hot?! :dribble:

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YUM. drool.gif Allergies? A cold? Toki standing behind him with pepper? We can only hope...

It's whatever you want it to be. ;)

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