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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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There's a florist around the corner from my house called "The Flower Alley."

EVERY FREAKING TIME I see the sign for it, my brains reads it, "The Flower Allergy."

Anyone else ever get this?

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HA! All the time! "Allegiance", for example, ALWAYS turns into "allergies" when I read it. It happens with lots of other words, in my own language as well as in English, but that's the only thing I can come up with at the moment. :P

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There's a florist around the corner from my house called "The Flower Alley."

EVERY FREAKING TIME I see the sign for it, my brains reads it, "The Flower Allergy."

Anyone else ever get this?

Ahaha, well I read "Allergy" there, too! tongue.png

I don't usually get this, though. It's mainly just "sneeze" I see everywhere. Snooze, squeeze, wheeze etc. Words like that.

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It's so weird that all of the dots are connecting!! Seriously, I learn that different things are caused by the fetish everyday! I didn't really think anything of this but it happens loads. Same with me, I automatically think sneeze! I think it's double lettered words that do it for me too like breeze, sleeve, and so on. I love this fetish. It's a whole other ego that I can hide and enjoy at the same time.

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Yup, I get this too. Thing that springs to mind is "Hever castle"... despite the other word being significantly longer. blushing.gif

Shows we're all a bunch of gutterfish..

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Yup, I get this too. Thing that springs to mind is "Hever castle"... despite the other word being significantly longer. blushing.gif

Shows we're all a bunch of gutterfish..

I read that as Hayfever Castle right away and then got confused. XD

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