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Sneeze Fetish Forum

...Has to Be the Loudest One I've Ever Heard


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Well... Loud sneezes aren't really my thing (as in it doesn't work for me in the "the louder the better" way) and allergies/unspecified is neither, but this just was so random (in my opinion) that I had to write obs. xD

So, I was sitting in my lit courses exam today writing the answers like usual. Then about mid way through the thing some of the guys (probably either this tall, lanky one with dark brown hair and a pretty face or this other one, whose shorter than the lanky one and has blond hair and looks more manly than pretty) sneezed so damn loudly that I actually jumped and almost had to cover my ears... xD And I'm not (that) sensitive to loud sounds, but... Damn. What a loud nseeze.

Anyway, as the situation obviously was such thta he had disturbed everyone (silent class room, a very, very loud one) he just looked around a couple of times and then said, sounding a bit lost: "...Sorry." It definitely sounded a bit like a question, in the "am I supposed to apologise now?" way.

Well, there was a light nose blow later and the sound came from the same direction. I hapened to glance up a bit later (I didn't look up after he had sneezes, the volume of the sound left me unable to do such things xD) and the blond buy had a tissue in front of him on the table and that's the only reason I suspect it might have been him...

Later on there was a not-quite-as-loud triple from the same guy (or someone who sounds exactly like him, who knows).

Anyway, as it's the allergy season and all those might have been allergy ones but I can never know. As I said, this really isn't my thing, but I couldn't resist sharing. xD

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there's a girl at my school that sneezes so loud you can hear it from all the way down the hallway. Literally. (she's one of those people that scream when they sneeze)

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there's a girl at my school that sneezes so loud you can hear it from all the way down the hallway. Literally. (she's one of those people that scream when they sneeze)

Similarly, I used to work with a guy who I could hear sneezing from a different floor! He once sneezed while on the phone to me and he said "I just sneezed" and I was thinking "yeah I know, do you really think I might not have heard it?!"

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...xD Oh lord...

Especially that phone call thing...

...I don't even know why this is so funny to me.

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  • 3 years later...
On 5/28/2012 at 1:37 PM, Koda said:

there's a girl at my school that sneezes so loud you can hear it from all the way down the hallway. Literally. (she's one of those people that scream when they sneeze)

SAME Koda same but for me its worse its a girl in my class period HER SNEEZES ARE SO HIGH PITCHED THEIR PAINFUL FOR ME what is this witchcraft xd :D

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