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Sneeze Fetish Forum

How did you react to discovering the forum?


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I remember when I first found the sneeze fetish forum, I actually wasn't completely surprised. I think gradually over time I had learned what the fetish was, that other people shared my interest, and that, eventually, there was a community for people like me. What did make me excited was finding a user with a DtK avatar, cared about pi day, who made Zelda references and who seemed to write great fics of all the series I had read! How surprising! When I later found out it was my twin sister, I was somewhat embarrassed and shocked. xD But other than that, I wasn't really surprised that there were other people with the fetish. How did you guys react?

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I found it through fan fictions. I was really into fanfics. But I was too scared to sign up for a couple of years (you guys are so scary!! :P) because I was really flaky about the Internet and didn't sign up for things, my parents terrified me about people in the computer. A couple of lurker years and I bit the bullet,I wanted to comment on things (and I wanted in the chat room dammit!) xD

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Good topic! Well when I found out there were other people like me it was through youtube. I used to search sneezing and watch videos and when I read the comments, I realized that I obviously wasn't the only one. I was SO FREAKING HAPPY that I wasn't crazy or weird. I honestly hoped that I would find people with the same thing. Then I found the forum and at first I tried to stay away from it just in case it was something inappropriate. At first I didn't know what a fetish was either. I found out through my friends and stuff and as soon as I knew the definition I knew instantly that's what I have and suddenly everything started to connect and make sense. I eventually signed up because I was itching to ask questions about the mental block and to just talk to my own kind! :D

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Well, I knew my fetish can't be quite unique, because YouTube always had some great collectors, but around me I seemed to be the only one. When I came across this I think I was googling Lady GaGa's sneeze, she was, according to YT, really sneezy chick., so I wanted to look up for some other sources.

Here was a topic about that.

I remember I was like: "Oh my... Is this real? Did someone discover my fetish and now is messing with me?"

After seeing other topics I knew this HAS to be real, and I was happy to see such a big group of people openly talking about a controversial theme.

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The forum came later, I've been hanging around here since the dawn of it. :lol:

My reaction to finding I wasn't alone? Oh sweet flip-flop wearing Jesus on a surfing board, I was crazy! I think I was pacing around the room with a stupid smile on my face forever, like I was bursting with good news I couldn't tell anyone! Well, I was. :lol: I don't think I've ever been so happy before in my LIFE! There weren't so much material online yet, but wonderful, wonderful fetishists had collected what was, written stories and published, and I was in seventh heaven! It felt like a big feast, I gobbled down everything I could find and kept wanting more.

Within time, I calmed down, though. A little. :P

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I found the forum when I was looking for sickfic and fanart. I think I probably ran out of search terms and picked "sneeze" to go with, and that brought me here. I was a little surprised that there existed a fetish for it (I have a kink, not an actual fetish), but I was really curious to meet the people here and start sharing stuff. It took me about... a day before I bit the bullet and signed up! XD

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I discovered it through the website of Merel Rose (when searching for sneeze related stuff), a kind of Dutch blog that mentioned the forum.

It filled me with joy and I thanked the lady, but I guess until today she still does not understand why



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I remember searching for an episode of Pokemon and somehow found the forum that way (well... then again the words I searched for were "Pokemon Ash Sneeze"... so there's sense in that)

At first, I was all "What is this?" and I denied that I had any fetish whatsoever for quite some time.

Though, after a few sneezefics, I became more comfortable and decided that my first impression can go jump off a tree; so I signed up and I'm glad I did :D

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I've mentioned my reaction a couple of times before but I have to post an answer here.

Well... I was rather digusted, actually. I found this place while I was looking for new fiction to read and at that time I only saw the thing that had got me here that was something I was interested in. All the rest seemed to be about allergies and most of them female, on top of it all. That I found disgusting, not so much the idea of people gathering to one place to talk about sneezing. The amount of female stuff just made me feel like I'm surrounded by dirty, nerdy men... You know the stereotype.

I can't say I looked around that much back then, no. I just read my little Harry Potter cold fic and clicked myself out of here for... a long time. xD One side of it was the "but I'm not a sneeze fetishist!" since I didn't identify myself as one (still don't, it's not the sneezing that I like, it's just a nice bonus). I just wanted to get out and find something more suiting. xD I got somewhat over the feeling of disgust before that day was over, but I wasn't satisfied with the word "sneeze" in the name, I just hoped there would be something more. xD LoL

I never thought anything like "I must be alone with this weird fetish of mine *shock*" which would have led to "OMG, there's others like me *even a bigger shock*"... I was always like yeah, there's a globe full of other people so there's no way I'm the only one (I didn't really even care, it was more a blunt fact stated to myself boredly more than something... I don't even know what).

And so there ended up being years between my first and my second visit to the forum.

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All the rest seemed to be about allergies and most of them female, on top of it all. .

:lol: I find this so amusing because personally, I think the chant is "male, cold, fan-fic", possibly because I'm only interested in "female, allergy, original". :lol: No offense or anything, it just struck me as funny. :P Times sure can change, right?

To go back on topic; I believe it's easier nowadays because there is so much material out there that if you start looking for sneeze-related things, you're bound to find the forum sooner or later. Back in the ancient times, before Google, when there were more blind spots on the map than there were explored land, you had to have a lot of luck or be very stubborn to find other fetishists.

I guess I was stubborn. :lol:

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I found the forum through fanfiction.net. I'd finally started searching for sickfics, and I found one there of my favorite anime/manga character. The description at the top said "originally written for Sneeze Fetish Forum" and I was like "There is such a thing?!" I don't think it had quite clicked in my head at that point that I had the fetish, but I knew I REALLY wanted more sneezefics, and this sounded like the place to find them. After that, it didn't take me long to figure it out.

When I actually looked at the forum, I don't remember exactly how I reacted. Something like "I want to join...but I can't, I feel weird about it...what if someone finds out or sees me on here?" I was a little bit excited that I wasn't alone and that I'd now found this whole place that centered around sneezing and the like. Yeah, definitely mostly excited.

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Oh my gosh this is such a cool topic!

I discovered the forum shortly after first discovering my own fetish (About a year and a half ago I'd guess). I used it as a source for fics and all that, but my feeling about it was something like "Fetish website? Danger! Danger! Danger!" That is, I thought it was for pervy web-creepers only. ^^;

In hind sight, it was probably pretty silly of me, but I was still new to this and very, very confused. After lurking around here for a good while, I finally decided to become a member. I was still pretty freaked about the whole thing and lurked for a bit even as a member, but I'm so glad I got over it. Once I stopped feeling so weird about the whole fetish concept, I basically started coming on here all the time.

What can I say? The allure of a place where liking sneezing (a LOT) doesn't give people the creeps was too much to resist. :)

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I remember discovering fanfiction for the first time, which inevitably led to spending hours upon hours reading sickfics of every fandom I knew. Something on ff.net led me to the term "sneeze fetish", and I was a bit shocked to learn that the "thing" I had was a creepy, perverted-sounding "fetish".

When I searched and found the forum I was a mix of overwhelmed, embarrassed, and delighted. Spending my whole life hiding the fetish, it was so strange that people were openly sharing their interests with one another! Took me awhile to come out of the shadows, but it's been almost 10 years now, and I'm so happy to be apart of this community. smile.png

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I remember being kinda relieved that it was not only me :) Even so, I remember being pretty nervous/a little freaked out when I explored those early websites...

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All the rest seemed to be about allergies and most of them female, on top of it all. .

heh.gif I find this so amusing because personally, I think the chant is "male, cold, fan-fic", possibly because I'm only interested in "female, allergy, original". heh.gif No offense or anything, it just struck me as funny. tonguesmiley.gif Times sure can change, right?

They sure can. xD

But yeah, I'm pretty sure it affects the image greatly when you only want something quite specific and feel there's too little of it and too much of everything else. xD

Though yeah, there's been more male stuff now than back when I first came here. ...so much Supernatural (and FAR TOO LITTLE Castiel).

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...so much Supernatural (and FAR TOO LITTLE Castiel).

Okay, off-topic, but I SO AGREE!!!!

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...so much Supernatural (and FAR TOO LITTLE Castiel).

Okay, off-topic, but I SO AGREE!!!!

Offtopic, yush, but... All I want from Supernatural is one little a couple of a few a bunch of Castiel sick fics. B|

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I, for some reason, felt dirty, but relieved at the same time, the feeling of "I am not the only one" got into me :D

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Intrigued, excited, and very, very naughty, as I first discovered the site while surfing on one of the local library's computers. x)

I knew there where others like me before I found this place, but this was the first time I saw fetishists interact directly with each other. It was a whole new woooorld... ♩ ♪ ♫

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It was a whole new woooorld... ♩ ♪ ♫

...why is that when I read your comment and saw this there all I could think is the... other version of that song..?

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So this is my first post. Hi everyone! I thought it would be a fitting topic. I like some others I discovered the forum after I discovered that you could look up fun videos on youtube and that was about 7 years ago when I was 14. Being younger at the time and having no idea what a fetish was it felt great knowing there were other people out there like me. And after 7 years of lurking I've finally decided to join in.

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So this is my first post. Hi everyone! I thought it would be a fitting topic. I like some others I discovered the forum after I discovered that you could look up fun videos on youtube and that was about 7 years ago when I was 14. Being younger at the time and having no idea what a fetish was it felt great knowing there were other people out there like me. And after 7 years of lurking I've finally decided to join in.

In that case, welcome~ Glad to have you out of lurking and as a member now.

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  • 1 month later...

As soon as I got hooked up to the Internet, I typed in sneeze or sneezing sounds or wavs and found it. I was so pleased as before this, I would always try to imagine someone having a sneezing fit and what it would sound like. It never panned out.

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I was very happy to find it; I think I felt sort of relieved. I knew I'd always been interested in sneezing, but before finding the forum I never thought of it as a fetish. I even felt a bit ashamed and tried to suppress my attraction to sneezing. Strangely enough, I can't remember how I found the forum (it was about six years ago, I think).

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