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Yet Another Spiderman Thread


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I just saw a new trailer for The Amazing Spiderman last night, and to my surprise there was a sneeze in it. xD

During the scene where Spiderman is harassing the car thief, he pins him to the wall once and then starts messing around with him. He starts dancing around and shooting webs at him, and at one point he fakes a sneeze while shooting yet more webs at the guy. Comes complete with a little buildup and everything.

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That is so exciting!!! New Spiderman is so adorable, can't wait for this movie :)

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Definitely mentioned this in the Tobey Maguire topic! :D Can't wait to see it in the movie. I Posted a link in the Tobey Maguire thread, but that one seems to have stopped working. Luckily, I found a different video of the same clip, and this one appears to be working.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHwIigyxMOc Sneeze starts around 0:16. Enjoy!

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I AM SO UNBELIEVABLY EXCITED FOR THIS MOVIE!!! Andrew Garfield is the PERFECT Spider-Man in my opinion. I know I'm going to giggle like a six year old girl when I watch this part in the theater.

Also, here is the first trailer that came out. No sneezes obviously, but still a few parts that you pseudo-sadistic people, like myself, might enjoy. ;) Plus, plenty of room for imagination to stick a sneeze in there. Around 1:14 and 1:27 I particularly enjoy.


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Wait... I can't believe I missed this... Andrew Garfield has been my favorite actor for four years now, since before he was in Dr. Parnassus, and I've been waiting for a sneeze from him since... then, basically. So this is AMAZING. Thank you so, so much. I don't care if it is a fake, it's adorable, and I'm even more excited for this movie now than I was before.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for bringing this back from the grave. Saw this movie today. I can't even. It was AMAZING!!! I was a little apprehensive because firstly, Spiderman's love interest Gwen isn't a redhead and I thought that this movie could completely kill my childhood but oh WAW. I smirked to myself at the bit where he sneezes. Also for those of us who like crying/hurt I won't give too many spoilers but there is a lot of that. I'm just so pumped!! I think I'm off to stalk Andrew Garfield some more now. GOODBYE!w00t.gif

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I was a little apprehensive because firstly, Spiderman's love interest Gwen isn't a redhead

In the comics, Gwen Stacy (the blonde) is Peter Parker's love interest before Mary Jane Watson (the redhead). :)

And oh my god, Andrew Garfield is true to the movie's title: absolutely AMAZING!!! And for all you care-taking lovers out there... there is a scene... with injured Spidey... ohhhh god you just have to see it!!!

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In the comics, Gwen Stacy (the blonde) is Peter Parker's love interest before Mary Jane Watson (the redhead).

Aaaww thank you, it's just because I'm so used to Mary Jane!spidy.gif I agree, I highly recommend that you all see this. Without giving too much away, there's a sneeze, crying, a loss of control and a few injured scenes. Overload! MMmmmm wub.pngworshippy.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...
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