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A sneezy day


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I was in my room when I got a text from my flatmate asking if I wanted to go out and do something - my flatmate is white, about 5 ft 5, has brown hair, brown eyes and is really very pretty.

I responded and she came to my room as I was putting my shoes on - it was here that I realised that today was going to be particularly awesome.

As we were talking she rubs her nose and says "Have you heard me sneezing? I've been sneezing all day!"

I asked her why and she responded "I think it's hayfever, I get it sometimes but never this bad!" - (I didn't know this!!)

We continue talking and she turns to the side kinda facing me with the perfect pre-sneeze expression on her face for a few seconds before it just goes away. She says "Argh I hate it when that happens!" and says that she can't sneeze when I egg her on (:P)

We leave the flat and before we can even get to the road outside she stops walking with the perfect pre-sneeze expression on her face before it goes away again.

Her: "That was bad."

Me: "What?" (knowing full well)

Her: "It was about to come out and then it just went away!"

Me: *laughing at her* I bet you're not even going to sneeze today!

Oh how wrong I was.

We get to the shopping centre and as we're going up the escalator I hear a loud "HA-ESHHU!" before she says "ah, finally!"

Not much else happens whilst we're out to be honest, but then we get back to our kitchen. Then she cooks.

I sit and watch her mouth open as she desperately sniffs whilst pouring pasta into a pan before giving in and running to get a tissue.

When she comes back in she throws it into the bin behind me and I hear a loud "HA-ESHHHUUU!!!" which literally makes me jump. This was without a doubt the loudest that I've ever heard my flatmate sneeze. After this she just giggled about making me jump.

Throughout the whole time she spent eating she would literally stop and sneeze every couple of minutes. I would look at her and see her face go into the perfect pre-sneeze expression and none were getting stuck - sometimes doubles, sometimes singles.

Later on when went to get ready (we were going out that night) before regrouping in the kitchen to drink a little later. I didn't hear her sneeze once whilst getting ready but for whatever reason when we got back into the kitchen she just couldn't stop sneezing again.

By now her nose was red and she'd earned the nickname "Rudolph" from me too.

Our friends came over to join us as we drank/played games, but I struggled to take my eyes off of my flatmate for fear of missing anything!

I looked up at one point and saw her with the perfect pre-sneeze expression yet again which she fought with for about 5 full seconds, and just when I thought it was about to leave her (and I laughed at her), she sneezed and gave a triumphant "Hah!" - it was becoming a game!

Later on as I was taking a drink I saw her with a vaguely sneezy expression on her face and grinned her, she then blinked a few times with watery eyes and laughed back saying "I need to sneeze!"

Even later on as I was talking to one of our friends, my flatmate sneezed twice (usually the most she does) and then managed a third a couple of seconds later before very happily exclaiming "Yes! I can make a wish!" (Has anyone heard this before?), to which me and another person just looked at eachother and laughed as we'd both never heard this. This lead to more sneezy discussion.

Overall it was an awesome, awesome day. I always love spending time with my flatmate, but the unexpected bonus sneezing was the icing on the cake.

We went out again the next day to relax on the grass as it was sunny, but despite one "Argh my nose!" comment, there was no sneezing. The hayfever didn't return in the few days we had left at uni after that unfortunately, but that day will go down in history as one of the greats! :D

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Awesome! Sneezes loud enough to make you jump are always something to post about ;) And the pre-sneeze face is essentail to the experience! Thanks for posting :D

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"Yes! I can make a wish!" (Has anyone heard this before?)

I remember it as 1's a wish, 2's a kiss, 3's a dissappointment. But I guess there's regional variations. happysmiley.gif

Brilliant obs, man. I love people who make sneezing fun. So much hotter than people that whine all the time. biggrin.png

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WOOOW. This is just... agh, I don't know if I can think of the right word. I have just stopped screaming in agony after I found out there's gonna be TRHPS remake in 2015 so I am not really myself.

But, thisss.....,.


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"Yes! I can make a wish!" (Has anyone heard this before?)

I remember it as 1's a wish, 2's a kiss, 3's a dissappointment. But I guess there's regional variations. happysmiley.gif

Brilliant obs, man. I love people who make sneezing fun. So much hotter than people that whine all the time. biggrin.png

Wierd, I've genuinely never heard any of those before!

And yeah, it's annoying when people whine about it. My friend is cool though, we have jokes about her sneezes all the time biggrin.png

WOOOW. This is just... agh, I don't know if I can think of the right word. I have just stopped screaming in agony after I found out there's gonna be TRHPS remake in 2015 so I am not really myself.

But, thisss.....,.


lol! smile.png

Bummer about the timing, but thanks for sharing!

What do you mean?

I'm glad everyone likes this obs, I wish I could remember more of her sneezes now haha!

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