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Keeping eye contact with a person before they sneeze?


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I realized recently that whenever I notice a person I'm talking to is about to sneeze - like that split-second that overlaps presneeze and pre-presneeze - I get so nervous about what's about to happen that, if I've been the one talking, I talk even more emphatically so that they try to keep their eyes on mine, all the while struggling, and it's kind of awkward.

But then I realize that I do it because the idea of turning away to like "give them privacy" is somehow even more awkward in my mind, because that is doubly acknowledging that they're going to sneeze, so I sort of prefer to pretend I don't notice (which, I realize, is ridiculous, but in my paranoid mind, people will begin to see if I take too much notice of sneezes).

So anyway, this has become a pretty relentless habit, and I was wondering if anyone else encounters the problem of "what to do" when they notice someone's about to sneeze?

(Side note though: if it's a person whose sneeze I like then it actually is really nice, because I get to witness everything with particular attention, and the presneeze face tends to intensify if they're trying really hard to look at me).

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But then I realize that I do it because the idea of turning away to like "give them privacy" is somehow even more awkward in my mind, because that is doubly acknowledging that they're going to sneeze, so I sort of prefer to pretend I don't notice(which, I realize, is ridiculous, but in my paranoid mind, people will begin to see if I take too much notice of sneezes).

This is exactly how I feel. It's like, the more you avoid staring, the more prominent the situation becomes. This happens alot in my U.S. History class, because my teacher has these really drawn out build-ups (like literally 10-20 seconds, which is extremely long for me) and if I turn away, I start visualizing the look on his face and its just...nerve wracking. And it seems to happen EVERY time I ask him a question :P (Although he is very attractive, being in a classroom with my peers while this is happening isn't exactly my dream situation). Especially when people just have to comment about it during and afterward.

I feel like there are some feelings of "Uh-oh, someone's gonna find out that I'm staring and/or trying not to stare" in a situation where you're talking to someone, but then again it could just be in the mind. I'm a little paranoid about people noticing too, and it always catches me offguard when someone starts building up while they are talking. Even if it's uncomfortable, I still autimatically turn away. Not really sure if it's out of politeness, or to hide my flushed face...blushing.gif

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If Im real close to them, or in the middle of speaking (or they're in the middle of speaking) then I actually look away. It's frustrating because I want to SEE the sneeze. But I get embarrassed. I dont fully turn around of make it obvious, but I definitely break eye contact or look at the ground.

However if they're a certain distance, and not speaking to me, then I'll watch the sneeze!

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Yeah, I'm a little discrete when I notice that someone is about to sneeze. It's easiest to get away with when you're alone somewhere. It's best to keep paying a little more attention to someone who sniffs a little more often than ususal, or if someone is slowing down their walking pace and looking up, trying to get out a sneeze.

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I tend to keep eye contact. I keep hoping that the other person will pretend that nothing is wrong until its too late and not cover, thus allowing me to see everything :)

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Narnie, I didn't even realize consciously that I do that too till I read your post! I try to keep eye contact too, if it's a female who I'd like to see sneeze. Anyone else, I awkwardly look away. bleh.gif

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If Im real close to them, or in the middle of speaking (or they're in the middle of speaking) then I actually look away. It's frustrating because I want to SEE the sneeze. But I get embarrassed. I dont fully turn around of make it obvious, but I definitely break eye contact or look at the ground.

However if they're a certain distance, and not speaking to me, then I'll watch the sneeze!

This is me exactly. I tend to look away slightly or just let my eye contact drop until after the sneeze(s) have happened...it's pretty casual I'm sure...subtle...I hope!

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If Im real close to them, or in the middle of speaking (or they're in the middle of speaking) then I actually look away. It's frustrating because I want to SEE the sneeze. But I get embarrassed. I dont fully turn around of make it obvious, but I definitely break eye contact or look at the ground.

However if they're a certain distance, and not speaking to me, then I'll watch the sneeze!

This is me exactly. I tend to look away slightly or just let my eye contact drop until after the sneeze(s) have happened...it's pretty casual I'm sure...subtle...I hope!

And me! I worry that if I stare at them through the whole sneezing process they'll think I'm being creepy... Since a lot of people without the fetish are quite uncomfortable sneezing in front of people, I feel they'd be a little freaked out by the attention.

However, sneezes when the sneezer does not know you're watching them (actually put like that it does sound a bit creepy...) - can't take my eyes away! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tend to keep eye contact for as long as possible personally, if it's someone you don't know half of the fun is the thought of getting caught whilst you watch them :P

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