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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The Other Sneezing Forum


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So I am not entirely sure where to post this, but it needs to be here. This is a forum started somewhere about day-long sneezing fits. It's basically a list of many people's descriptions of whole days of non-stop continuous sneezing. Some describe their (possibly medical) condition as being in a constant state of sneezing or build-up, lasting for up to 24 hours. I can't believe some people endure this. I always wonder how I hear about so many people with these fits but never see them; I guess a lot of people have to stay at home because the sneezing is so bad. Here is the link:


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Whoah, there are some seriously sneezy people out there uhoh.gif Sadly none of them live next door to me...

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Oh my word, I feel voyeuristic right now. :blush: This fetish really fucks with my mind - my first thought ought to have been "Shit, those poor buggers", but it actually was "Crikey, so much fiction material RIGHT. HERE."

I will go to hell. And I appreciate your sharing this in a way I probably should NOT.

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I would love to be one of the people that were doing the experiment!!!

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Awwwww! Imagine cuddling up with someone who has this problem and helping them feel better all day? <3 But yeah no that really sucks for them.

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