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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Awful cold


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Started feeling run down a few days ago and have all the symptoms of a full on headcold. Sneezing and blowing has been the focus of my day. My head hurts from sinus pressure and after several false starts...finally sneezing leaves me completely stuffed up. I can blow my nose and clear it for several minutes but it's a given that the tickles come back, a few more false starts and a desperate itchy sneeze (or two) explodes out of my nose leaving me congested again. And so it goes with my kind of colds that torment and leave me feeling vulnerable...which I HATE!

More later...

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Aww thanks.

An update as promised. This cold has worsened in the last 24 hours. I'm not having nearly as many false starts as yesterday. Now it's just sneeze after sneeze and my nose gets no relief from the tickle or congestion. I'm completely stuffed up and my nostrils have turned light red from the irritation of blowing and sneezing into tissues. I had a huge fit of 5 sneezes this morning after standing up for a few minutes. It was kind of my nose's way of rudely reminding me that IT is in control as I woke up. Work was ok for the first few hours but by mid day the sneezy stage of this cold took over. I had to run to a local grocery store to pick up a large box of soft tissues...it was THAT bad.

I got back to work after lunch and had a conference call. Thank god for the mute button on my phone. At one point I was talking and in mid sentence my voice trailed off and I started to sneeze. A tickly fit of four cold sneezes took over. I sneezed over the phone... Hehh...ehhh HuhhSHHOOO!! Followed immediately by another. I muted the phone and paused with tissues clutched in my hand and waited.

Hehh...HehhhIISHHH! *sniff*. HehhEEESHHHEEW! I could hear comments on the line like "is he alright?" and a few playful snickers but I didn't care. I composed myself, blew my nose and continued after apologizing.

Now I'm home able to sneeze and blow this messy cold out of my nose. Wish I had some TLC but I'll settle for some sleep if I can get it.

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Thanks Matilda. This is one bad cold. I cant remember when i have sneezed so much. I will spare those that dont like the stuffy talk but lets just say i dont sound like myself at all. Work was torture today filled with itchy desperate sneezes, messy blows and lots of embarrassing bless yous from co-workers. My throat hurts from the drainage and sneezing but it still feels the slightest bit satisfying to sneeze. If no one is around...i'll even whisper under my breath "godda sdeeze..." usually followed by at least two helpless cold sneezes into tissues or a hanky. I even made a wav which i rarely do.

Summer colds suck! but if others get enjoyment im all for it. :-)


Edited by Enkidom
Removing personal details
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Well im still sick but not nearly as bad as the last few days. Sneezes have died down to a reasonable amount though the congestion continues a bit. Thanks to all those who wished me well through this cold.


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aw poor guy! :(

i hope you get to rest very soon. And you made a wave? that's awesome i'll email you right now, if you don't mind.

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Wow, I like your descriptions , especially the situation at the telephone conference.

Nevertheless, I hope you will feel beter soon.

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Poor boy...feel better. So sad that your misery is our heaven...thanks for sharing though!!!

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Hey guys,

i was notified that including private information in a post like an email address is indeed against the rules which i completely respect. If you wish to contact me about the wav please PM me here. btw...I dont give out wavs to anyone under 21 just my rule. so appologies in advance.


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