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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Miserable Messy Cold (self)


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You know what? What goes around comes around. I certainly got a face full (literally...) of weakness, embarrassment and mucous. This has got to be the drippiest, messiest, tickliest, sneeziest headcold I have ever had.

I've been coughing for days, and I hate that, it's wild, breath-depraving, scraping coughing fits that goes on forever and makes my throat hurt so bad I can't even drink water. Not to mention that I keep my poor neighbours up all night. sadsmiley.gif And myself.

Yesterday, when I thought that was pretty much it and that the coughing would stay for a few days and then get better, it started to reach my nose. Oh my God. My poor nose feels as if you've just gotten chlorined water in it, or like your skin does after you've being stung by nettles. It's streaming with watery mess constantly, and it's literally dripping. I'm not too stuffed up but I avoid breathing through my nose anyway because just the air moving through my nasal passages is torture. I've been sneezing 3-4 times every half hour since yesterday afternoon, I've had one fit of nine or ten (lost count) and one enormous, messy fit of thirteen in a row, one right after the other!! Each fit - even the mini ones of three or four - leave me worn out and launching into a coughing fit instead. I'm coughing so hard right now I barely see which types I hit.

The sneezes are impossible to spell out; some are stifles but most are big, helpless, spraying and tired explosions, accompanied by moans and gasps. If I didn't dislike my own sneezes so much I think I'd actually like the sound of them, which is terribly ironic. rolleyes.gif

Yesterday I even had to sneeze in public once - it was only a single, and it was so well stifled it was absolutely soundless, and almost motionless too. I don't think anyone noticed it but me. But what it did to my nose! It was like turning on a faucet, I was sniffling like crazy and thought I would die from embarrassment. Luckily I could get home rather quick after this, and it was after making it home that I had the fit of nine (or ten). I still shudder at the prospect of having that fit where anyone could've seen me. Ugh!

No sneezes in this part, only desperate coughing and mess.

We had a hay delivery at the stable, and I had to be there, although stacking 2000 kilos worth of hayballs wasn't exactly what I was longing for in the state I was in. Also, I had a fever so high I was delirious (and yes, I am very sensitive to rising body temperature), the early feeling of an ear infection, and my throat felt as if someone had stuffed it with sandpaper and barbed wires. After stacking about 500 kilos, I was so run down and coughing so hard I had to get away from the rest of the people. I made it a few yards outside the barn and fell to my knees and coughed so violently I sprayed spit and snot everywhere. Very sexy. Mucous was streaming down my face, making my hair stick to it, when I finally got myself under some sort of semi-control and could drag my sorry self into the stable. Of course I had no tissues or toilet paper or anything anywhere, and I was desperate, so I had to resort to one of the rags used to wipe of the saddle with. It was a bit stained with saddle soap, but not too bad. And I blew my nose several times before I could stem the worst flow and clean myself up a little. Nobody saw this little show, but living it was more than enough, thank you very much.

My mom, who is responsible for giving me this vicious virus in the first place, had to drive me home because I was in no condition to drive. The other people at the stable finished stacking the hay so at least it got in under roof before it started to rain, but that was probably the most embarrassing thing that's happened to me in many, many years.

I feel like one of the background actors in "The Stand", by the way.

These past two days have been a suspicious lot (except for the coughing and the fact that it's a cold and not allergies) like the sneezefics I enjoy the most... I think God is in his heaven taking revenge on me.

Am I miserable? You have no idea. Am I still insatiable? You betcha.

Edited by Chanel_no5
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Aak. Poor darling. :hug: Coughing is hell. I'm sort of half feeling your pain right now with the coughing and the mess. Let's drink to each other's health. SOON... :wine:

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Hehe, I'm glad you enjoyed. Why you're not living over here...? Well, because you find 15 Celsius (which it is right now, in summer) to be cold weather, and you prefer battling snakes instead of battling icy windshields? :winkkiss: Seriously. :lol: You're sweet. :)

Maru: Oh yeah, maybe a whisky would make us feel better? At least it would be a lot more fun being sick.. ^_^

Also... neighbour next door has been sneezing five times this afternoon. While I do approve of this (although my fetish goes into low-drive when I'm sick), I hope I haven't infected her. I hate feeling guilty. Plague-spreader. :wallbash:

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Wowza. I'm sorry you're not feeling well, but as a cough-lover as well as a sneeze-lover, I have to tell you that these obs... :wub:

Thanks for sharing, love! I hope you feel better

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The sneezes are impossible to spell out; some are stifles but most are big, helpless, spraying and tired explosions, accompanied by moans and gasps.

. . . Um. Wow. Yeah. :shy: I liked this description a lot. Nngh.

I hope you feel better, though. It sucks that you're miserable. :( But thanks a lot for sharing!

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I really hope you feel better soon! Trust me, I know where you're coming from with the coughing and everything. Over the Christmas holidays, I caught a cold similar to that and had to hide it from my super-observant, germaphobic grandmother. Of course, that just made it worse and it developed into Croup, which I lived with for the next five months until it *finally* began to go away in April. I really hope yours doesn't last five months.

But I must say, this obs was... :yes: just :yes:

thank you for posting this!

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Um. So. Just when I've convinced myself that I actually do like male sneezing better than female sneezing, something like this comes along. And, coughing, yup, coughing is just...um, nice... :blush: I just found that incredibly hot for some reason. And now I feel guilty about that, 'cause you sound miserable. Feel better!

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Aak. Poor darling. hug.gif Coughing is hell. I'm sort of half feeling your pain right now with the coughing and the mess. Let's drink to each other's health. SOON... wine.gif

Goodness yes. The coughing sounds awful. I hope that clears up soon. And yet... sorry darling but the sneezes sound mega-hot! :drool:

Also... neighbour next door has been sneezing five times this afternoon. While I do approve of this (although my fetish goes into low-drive when I'm sick), I hope I haven't infected her. I hate feeling guilty. Plague-spreader. wallbash.gif

Mmmmmm..... contagion. Damn, I wish I lived nearby. I can do 15 Celcius and horses. What more do you need to know?

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The sneezes are impossible to spell out; some are stifles but most are big, helpless, spraying and tired explosions, accompanied by moans and gasps.

Whoah!! Hope you start to feel better soon, but that sounds - intense :)

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Dear me; it sounds terrible.

But....thirteen of your yummy sneezes in a row? You just can't argue with that, can you? I hope you can distance yourself and just enjoy their gorgeousness...........

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Aww no I'm sorry you feel so bad, but I have to say that those fits sound so nice!!!

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I'm glad you all enjoyed this. :winkkiss: And thank you for the well-wishes. :heart:

This has been a few intense days, to put it mildly. I've never sneezed so many times in such a short period of time before in my entire life. I did a quick estimation (on the low side) and came up with the result that I must have sneezed over 300 times in three days. Usually, I sneeze about half that number of times in a whole year! Madness. Served me right, I guess, but I'm glad it's mostly over now. The sneezing part, at least. I still cough, but not nearly as bad as I did two days ago, fever's down but it varies over the course of the day, and my ears hurt like hell, but I've improved remarkably.

Yesterday, I was sneezing so much I thought I was going to faint. :lol: The 3-4 times every half hour I was awake was instead a 5-6 times, no doubt because my nose was so irritated it couldn't recover between sneezes. I spent the entire day in that constant state of pre-sneeze-tingly feeling (that exact state I've described so many times in allergy fiction but never really experienced myself). And when the actual sneeze started to build, I had several false starts when the tingle was so intense I couldn't focus on anything, not even sniffling back the watery mess. And once the sneeze decided it had finished teasing me, it just moved on in, walked right over any kind of control I tried to regain, and I sneezed; drawn-out, painful sneezes that probably sprayed even from the buildup. :rolleyes:

I had three longer fits too, one of seven with about ten seconds between each, while I was trying to make breakfast... one rapidfire fit of six when I was taking a bath, including my first ever double-sneeze. It was something out of the ordinary for me, it came with no buildup whatsoever. Suddenly that steady "water-up-my-nose"-burning sensation was a sneeze: "AISSCHESSCHEEEW!", harsh, loud and crazy wet. It was followed by four other, no double-sneezes but so close upon each other that I only had time to inhale once between them.

Later in the evening, when I was trying to read, I felt I was going to sneeze again (what a surprise). I merely turned away from the book and let it come, as past experiences had shown there was little less to do about it... :lol: It began with a false start but made up for it with no less than sixteen sneezes in a row (this is a personal record as far as natural sneezes go). It started out with six stifled sneezes, but stifling hurt so bad I had to let the rest of them out. They were so uncontrolled and so desperate I almost thought someone would call the ambulance if they heard me.

So far, I haven't sneezed at all today, and my nose feels a tad sore but not at all as bad as you'd imagine. Dare I hope the worst is over? *tries breathing again*

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Well, I've gone to a puddle of goo on the floor....not sure about anyone else around here ;)

SIXTEEN in a row? From a cold?! YES PLEASE.

I'm sorry you have been feeling so unwell, but thank you for sharing it with us! :wub:

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Holy sh...! Omg, I'm so sorry that you're ill, but that was one hell of an obs, sooo hot! I mean 13 sneezes in a row??? Geez...even I don't get that very often unless my allergies are bad. I only wish I was there to look after you, and I really hope you feel better soon. I know how much coughing sucks, I hate it as much as you do :hug:

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Thank you.. :heart:

yeah, still got the cough and this afternoon I'm running a low fever again... and I feel I've got so much sticky liquid stuffed in every single cavity in my head (trust me, there are many cavities in my head... :lol: ) that I feel sort of disconnected from the world. Like all my senses are wadded with cotton. Ugh. At least I haven't sneezed anymore. But I can't smell anything (which was a good thing when I took out three days' worth of trash, though) and I can't feel the taste of anything (it's useless making real food; I'll just eat noodles until I can taste what I eat again..)

This really was the worst cold I ever had. I've had some pretty bad cases of the flu now and then, but as far as a common cold goes, this was extreme. Ugh.

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It really does sound extreme for a common cold! Sorry you've felt so miserable, I hope you feel tons better very soon...especially now that the sneezing has stopped. heh.gif Seriously, this was so hot to read! Thanks for the super obs, and many blessings for your previous sneezes! smile.png

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Very nice post, thanks for sharing. Bless you lots, and hope you start feeling better soon. Take care. biggrin.png

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  • 4 weeks later...

You know what? What goes around comes around. I certainly got a face full (literally...) of weakness, embarrassment and mucous. This has got to be the drippiest, messiest, tickliest, sneeziest headcold I have ever had.

I've been coughing for days, and I hate that, it's wild, breath-depraving, scraping coughing fits that goes on forever and makes my throat hurt so bad I can't even drink water. Not to mention that I keep my poor neighbours up all night. sadsmiley.gif And myself.

Yesterday, when I thought that was pretty much it and that the coughing would stay for a few days and then get better, it started to reach my nose. Oh my God. My poor nose feels as if you've just gotten chlorined water in it, or like your skin does after you've being stung by nettles. It's streaming with watery mess constantly, and it's literally dripping. I'm not too stuffed up but I avoid breathing through my nose anyway because just the air moving through my nasal passages is torture. I've been sneezing 3-4 times every half hour since yesterday afternoon, I've had one fit of nine or ten (lost count) and one enormous, messy fit of thirteen in a row, one right after the other!! Each fit - even the mini ones of three or four - leave me worn out and launching into a coughing fit instead. I'm coughing so hard right now I barely see which types I hit.

The sneezes are impossible to spell out; some are stifles but most are big, helpless, spraying and tired explosions, accompanied by moans and gasps. If I didn't dislike my own sneezes so much I think I'd actually like the sound of them, which is terribly ironic. rolleyes.gif

Yesterday I even had to sneeze in public once - it was only a single, and it was so well stifled it was absolutely soundless, and almost motionless too. I don't think anyone noticed it but me. But what it did to my nose! It was like turning on a faucet, I was sniffling like crazy and thought I would die from embarrassment. Luckily I could get home rather quick after this, and it was after making it home that I had the fit of nine (or ten). I still shudder at the prospect of having that fit where anyone could've seen me. Ugh!

No sneezes in this part, only desperate coughing and mess.

We had a hay delivery at the stable, and I had to be there, although stacking 2000 kilos worth of hayballs wasn't exactly what I was longing for in the state I was in. Also, I had a fever so high I was delirious (and yes, I am very sensitive to rising body temperature), the early feeling of an ear infection, and my throat felt as if someone had stuffed it with sandpaper and barbed wires. After stacking about 500 kilos, I was so run down and coughing so hard I had to get away from the rest of the people. I made it a few yards outside the barn and fell to my knees and coughed so violently I sprayed spit and snot everywhere. Very sexy. Mucous was streaming down my face, making my hair stick to it, when I finally got myself under some sort of semi-control and could drag my sorry self into the stable. Of course I had no tissues or toilet paper or anything anywhere, and I was desperate, so I had to resort to one of the rags used to wipe of the saddle with. It was a bit stained with saddle soap, but not too bad. And I blew my nose several times before I could stem the worst flow and clean myself up a little. Nobody saw this little show, but living it was more than enough, thank you very much.

My mom, who is responsible for giving me this vicious virus in the first place, had to drive me home because I was in no condition to drive. The other people at the stable finished stacking the hay so at least it got in under roof before it started to rain, but that was probably the most embarrassing thing that's happened to me in many, many years.

I feel like one of the background actors in "The Stand", by the way.

These past two days have been a suspicious lot (except for the coughing and the fact that it's a cold and not allergies) like the sneezefics I enjoy the most... I think God is in his heaven taking revenge on me on behalf of Sarah Palin.

Am I miserable? You have no idea. Am I still insatiable? You betcha.

thats why it pays to carry a hanky

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thats why it pays to carry a hanky

No offense or anything, but I never would consider the thought of carrying a hanky.

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