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he's so cute I don't know what to do with myself


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Oh man, this is precious! Thank you so much for sharing! Who is it, do you know?

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eep, unfortunately I don't know. I don't follow Korean pop idols. :C

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What is this stunning beauty before me? :omg:

In the words of, well, Tumblr folk: That's it. The Korean prettyboy has won. Everyone else can go home now.

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o 3 o so I found out who he is. they call him Baek Hyun.


that smile at the endddddd

he looks like a girl but good lord he is mofo-ing cute.

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The noise I just made was slightly inhuman.

He's so pretty *O* this is wonderful <3

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I think he's either from EXO-K or Infinite...but I might be wrong...HE'S FO FUCKING CUTE!!!! ~<3333333333

I found the link on tumblr and it is Baekhyun from EXO-K, I GOT IT RIGHT I'M HAPPY!!! XD Probably more happy than that warrents but, whateves~ <3333

Edited by obsessed
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Holy cannoli what is this beauty...! :blushing: Thank you thank you for this wonderful, wonderful find, Emily!!

PS. This doesn't seem to be a gif... Perhaps I'm missing something-- how does one save this file type?

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Oh my goodness. I definitely agree with you on the fancam statement. It's just simply wonderful. Even without audio, it's still wonderful. So very wonderful...

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i was ripped from a two year lurker-ship to say this --> OMG he's soooooooooooooo cuteeeeee <3w00t.gif

(Gahh im emarassed wubsmiley.gif )

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  • 2 weeks later...

OH My GOD!! eek.gif How did I miss this. So amazing. I'm not ussualy atracted to Asians (a bit rasist that and my appologies but it's true) but he is adorable! The build up is what makes it I think.

*giggle* Yay!

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8'D muwahahahahaha he shall live on forever with his cute build-uppy sneeze

and @Alexys52: I know what you mean by about not being attracted to asian dudes, I mean I'm partial to Asians cause I'm Asian myself LOL I'm always open to ogle hot guys though :D one of my friends is all about German soccer players V __ V

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