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I just watched Grease for the first time yesterday, and I've been sorta throwing sneezefic ideas around in my head...

Would anyone be interested in a Danny sneezefic? or possibly Kenickie. I dunno, both of them are just so.... drool.gif

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Go for it! Both of them are so yummy, but you're an awesome writer so either one would be fabUlous!!!

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I've once tried to write one. :blush: A loooooong time ago. Trying to spin out that scene at the drive in, you know... tee hee ^_^

Anyway, a fic about either Danny or Kenickie or both (BROS! BROS!) would go down quite well with me, I daresay!

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I wouldn't mind seeing a fic about Sandy, Frenchy, or Rizzo. Anyone up for writing one of those?

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Um yeah. Id be soo up for that. I vote for Kenicke !! I dont think anyone has EVER written a sneezefic with this fandom!! ( publicly that is)

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