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Skinny Dip (Supernatural ficlet)

Lady Blessington

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A/N: Happy summer, guys!

Dean wakes to the feel of tires crunching down a gravel path. The car's dark and hot. Leafy trees stretch up in the headlights.

"Sabb?" Dean snuffles, watches his brother turn and smile at him. He cranks his window down and tips his face toward the breeze. "Ohh, that feels good." Shuddering, he buries his nose in his shoulder and explodes in a sneeze. An echo comes back and he looks out at the branches, then through them at glinting water.

"Bless you." Sam's poking him with a box of tissues and he takes some and blows. "The lakes around here are supposed to be pretty great."

"Yeah?" Dean sees a patch of sand up ahead, all soft and bumpy like the foam on Sam's girly coffees. Sam pulls up snug against the treeline and kills the engine. "You goidd idd for a swibb?"

Sam gives him one of those looks he gets sometimes, like when Dean gets drunk and tries to cuddle.

"What?" Dean asks.

"You sound like you're talking through a garden hose." Sam reaches over and smoothes back Dean's hair. His palm is cool and dry. "C'mon. Let's get naked."

Dean coughs into the dashboard. "If you idsist," he chokes, and gets caught in his T-shirt.

The stones poke painfully at his feet but then he's following his brother down the beach, down into the cool water. He pauses, knee-deep, and double checks. The bushes at the shoreline flicker in the breeze. There are no eyes shining in the moonlight.

Sam's splashing like a fish. Dean takes a breath and pounces.

When they're finished, Dean lets Sam carry him around, out where the lake comes up to their waists. He snuggles his face into Sam's chest in the dark and Sam cradles him like a newborn. The sky's a mess of stars.

Afterwards they sit on a blanket spread over the warm hood of the car. Dean works his way through endless tissues as Sam dries every inch of him with a stolen hotel towel.


"Bless you," Sam murmurs, poking gently at the inside of Dean's ear.

Dean wipes his hot nose, then yawns. He admires Sam's bare abs. "How come camping's never like this?"

Sam rubs the fabric over Dean's scalp and gives the base of his skull a possessive squeeze. "Something usually tries to eat us."

Dean bites Sam's chin. Sam leans in close and growls, then kisses his temple.

Dean's asleep before they hit the highway.

Edited by mads3rv3r
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Dean coughs into the dashboard.

I have no idea why that totally does it for me, but apparently it does.

Love you like always! tongue.png

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I love you and our supernatural obsession <3

YOU AND THE SAM-ASS-NOSEBLOWING. I'm not over it yet. :heart: :heart:

Dean coughs into the dashboard.

I have no idea why that totally does it for me, but apparently it does.

Love you like always! tongue.png

I read that line back and pictured him opening the glove compartment and coughing into it and then was like, "Nope, not what happened." I enjoyed that mental image though. x) Muffling can be good! Muffling can suggest a need for quiet, or a lot of wetness, or embarrassment, or something.

Thank you so much! :heart:

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Like when Dean gets drunk and tries to cuddle. LIKE WHEN DEAN GETS DRUNK AND TRIES TO CUDDLE. <3333 That, and also, all the things, is why your fic always makes me so happy.

This on is so summery and sweet!

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YES. I loved this. Even though it wasn't really centered around Dean sneezing... it was just kind of centered around them being brothers and normal for a bit. Which I liked a lot! It just... it just blows my mind. I LOVE it. Also, this:

The sky's a mess of stars.
I'm not sure why, but this line resonated with me.

And I LOVE that Sam blesses Dean. Every time. Always.

Thank you so muchhhh.

Happy friggin' summer already! (And already, of course I mean finally.)

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Like when Dean gets drunk and tries to cuddle. LIKE WHEN DEAN GETS DRUNK AND TRIES TO CUDDLE. <3333 That, and also, all the things, is why your fic always makes me so happy.

This on is so summery and sweet!

Bahhh! :heart: :heart: :heart: YOUR FACE IS SUMMERY AND SWEET

YES. I loved this. Even though it wasn't really centered around Dean sneezing... it was just kind of centered around them being brothers and normal for a bit. Which I liked a lot! It just... it just blows my mind. I LOVE it. Also, this:

The sky's a mess of stars.
I'm not sure why, but this line resonated with me.

And I LOVE that Sam blesses Dean. Every time. Always.

Thank you so muchhhh.

Happy friggin' summer already! (And already, of course I mean finally.)

I'm pretty sure I was channeling Firefly/Serenity for that line! Thank you. :heart: And yes, blessing! It's one of those things that for me seems to go better with slash than with gen, along with the hugs and the kisses and the many many forehead feels. Sweet slashy gentleness. I've seen other people do totally convincing other-interpretations of their relationship but I just yes. Revert to touchy feely cuddly "bless you" times with the slash.

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I always love your imagery. And this is just so pretty. *le sigh* <333


Well that is entirely awesome to hear. Thank you ma'am!

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"When they're finished, Dean lets Sam carry him around, out where the lake comes up to their waists.He snuggles his face into Sam's chest in the dark and Sam cradles him like a newborn. The sky's a mess of stars.

Afterwards they sit on a blanket spread over the warm hood of the car. Dean works his way through endless tissues as Sam dries every inch of him with a stolen hotel towel


"Bless you," Sam murmurs, poking gently at the inside of Dean's ear."

Bah...my computer is being retarded, but I had to reply.

Mess of stars? Sam is so steady, so wonderful. You are a genius, ma'am

What a lovely start to my morning.

Edited by Rika
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"When they're finished, Dean lets Sam carry him around, out where the lake comes up to their waists.He snuggles his face into Sam's chest in the dark and Sam cradles him like a newborn. The sky's a mess of stars.

Afterwards they sit on a blanket spread over the warm hood of the car. Dean works his way through endless tissues as Sam dries every inch of him with a stolen hotel towel


"Bless you," Sam murmurs, poking gently at the inside of Dean's ear."

Bah...my computer is being retarded, but I had to reply.

Mess of stars? Sam is so steady, so wonderful. You are a genius, ma'am

What a lovely start to my morning.

:heart: :heart:

Do you ever, like... somebody says something really really nice and your first impulse is to hide? THIS MAKES ME WANT TO HIDE. Thank you so much!! What an awesome compliment.

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