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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My Friend's Hayfever! (F)


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Like I announced, I'm leaving for Peru on Wednesday with a group from my school. Because of this, we have 'Peruvian Summer School' where we do absolutely nothing useful. This is supposed to help us 'bond' but I'm not very good at being social. It kind of sucks. 

Anyways, halfway through the meeting while we're on break I'm talking to my friend, H. Suddenly, H sucks in a breath and holds up a finger to mean 'Wait a second'. Then she says, "I'm going to sneeze." This drives me crazy because I have suspicions that I may be bisexual and this does nothing to help that. Her breath hitches for almost a minute (She has FANTASTIC buildups. I wish I could record her!) then finally she sneezes. Her sneezes are mostly silent because she pinches her nostrils together, but there's usually some kind of squelching noise I guess. After this she sniffles, then keeps her finger up as her breath hitches MORE. This time she doesn't sneeze, but she has this REALLY sneezy look on her face most of the meeting. Did I mention she has awful hay fever? I'm thinking about torturing her the next time she comes to my house by bringing her to the field. Anyways, I think she sneezed one more time during the meeting.

While I'm on this subject, I think I shall post another ob about her for you guys ;) Her sneezes are just SEXY! 

One night while I was at her house we were sitting on her bed right next to each other and watching anime on her laptop. I felt her breath start to hitch and she sneezed twice. I was petrified! 

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adorable. thanks for sharing! also, just sharing from my own experience, liking both male and female sneezes doesn't necessarily make you bi. not that being bisexual is something to freak about! I know, figuring it out is a big deal, but it's not a BAD deal. in any case, I am 100% totally gay, but I still like both male & female sneezing. so there you go. have fun with your adorable friend blushsmiley.gif

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echoing wannablessedbe - I'm super on the gay side, and I appreciate all sneezes :P I was like fourteen when I started guessing I wasn't straight too, haha. Best of luck <3

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Just what is it about the line 'I'm going to sneeze' that makes the actual sneezing so much sexier? :D Love, love, love it when girls do this - thanks for posting :)

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echoing wannablessedbe - I'm super on the gay side, and I appreciate all sneezes tonguesmiley.gif I was like fourteen when I started guessing I wasn't straight too, haha. Best of luck <3

yep, same for me! I was just about to turn 15 when I figured it out ;p rock on girl! you are right on schedule, all is right with the world.

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I... was probably about the same age as wannablessedbe and Winged when I started working stuff out :P I'm bi, and, yeah, I like both genders sneezing... But, yeah, like they said - whatever you prefer doesn't necessarily echo your sexuality, and, whoever you end up falling in love with or having crushes on or whatever you want to judge yourself on - well, whatever, is totally fine. But it can be really hard working that out - and there's heaps of communities out there if you need it :-)

... This being said because I only actually came out to people maybe 6 months ago, so I instantly feel the need to reassure... But that's a whole other bucket of kangaroo feed. :-)

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A very nice observation...nice that you have a good friend like this. I also agree with NoV...girls saying "I'm going to sneeze" is just about the hottest thing for us sneeze guys. Great stuff. Thanks for the observations, and have fun.

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By the way on the serious note...don't let suspicions of being "bi" bother you at all. Keep in mind that love of all kinds is far better than hate of any kind. Just be you and love that about yourself. Thanks.

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