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Man I do not go in for male but this is tops. You really know how to do mess sexily I must say. Great job!

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I don't see why this needed a mature warning on DA XD. This...:D I'm not into male much, and messiness normally isn't my thing either (I still have a small fear of germs...even though my recent stories on DA don't seem that way ^^;. I've gotten way more comfortable with germs lately.) I love this sketchdump! ^^ The red flush and the sneeze in the middle look amazing to me :)

Also, *evillaugh* the determination of a hard worker. He's never going to quit, even when he's so miserably messy like this ;)

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Oooh nice. aaevil.gif Cute style.

Man I do not go in for male but this is tops. You really know how to do mess sexily I must say. Great job!

Thank you both very much QuQ

I don't see why this needed a mature warning on DA XD. This...biggrin.png I'm not into male much, and messiness normally isn't my thing either (I still have a small fear of germs...even though my recent stories on DA don't seem that way ^^;. I've gotten way more comfortable with germs lately.) I love this sketchdump! ^^ The red flush and the sneeze in the middle look amazing to me smile.png

Also, *evillaugh* the determination of a hard worker. He's never going to quit, even when he's so miserably messy like this wink.png

Ehe thanks~ ;w; It's because I'm going to put mature content filters on all of the like, really messy ones because I don't want to mentally scar people who don't want to see such things... xD;;

Saw this on dA. Beauuuuutiful. <33

Thaaaanks >w< ♥

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