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I want summer sooooo bad today. If I have to suffer through winter, so do Sam and Dean. Ha.

Just a little shorty fic.


Sam’s exposed skin is stinging from the cold the second he steps out of the warmth of the library. The air is chilly and he shoves his hands deep into his pockets, wishing he had thought to bring his scarf with him. He shivers once and thinks about going back inside to wait when he sees the Impala turn around the corner. Without waiting for Dean to come to a complete stop, he wrenches open the door and hops inside.

“Holy shit,” Dean laughs as he pulls away. “Is something chasing you?”

Sam ignores his brother, instead digging through the glove compartment until he comes up with a stack of fast-food napkins. He presses them up under his runny nose with a sigh.

“It’s fucking cold outside,” Sam says, his voice trembling on the last word as his entire body is taken over by another shiver.

Dean’s still grinning, but he reaches over and turns the heat up as far as it will go.


Several hours later, Sam’s nose hasn’t stopped running, and he feels as though he may never be warm again.

He’s bundled up in as many layers as would fit and tucked in bed under all of the covers, but he has one arm out to work on his laptop and it’s ruining everything.

“Cooooold,” he whispers to himself, sniffling and burrowing father down in the bed with a soft moan.

“You need to work on not complaining so much.”

Sam jumps and watches as Dean emerges from the bathroom in nothing but a towel and a cloud of steam.

“I’m not complaining, I’m- I’m--” He stop suddenly, his chest expanding as his breath hitches at a sharp tickle in his sinuses.


“Gesundheit,” Dean offers, eyes wide with surprise.

“Thanks.” Sam sniffles and shivers a little, scrubbing at his nose with his fist before drawing his arm under the covers to join the rest of his body. He wonders what Dean would say if he asked for the blankets from his bed too.


“Heh-NGXSHchoo! Hh-iiishshshuh! Hpshtchuh!”

“Wow, Gesundheit.” Dean shakes his head, passes Sam the tissue box. “You sound awful.”

Sam shivers hard in reply and blows his nose.

“You still cold?”

Sam gives a sleepy, miserable nod, and Dean sighs.

“Fine. Shove over, bitch.”

Sam wriggles his way to one side of the bed as Dean climbs in beside him, and with a warm body pressed up next to his he finally feels the cold start to dissipate.



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This was adorable! Nothin' like a little sneezy!Sam torture to get through the winter, eh? Ahhh, I don't think I even remember winter. I live in Midwestern USA (where it is freakin' summer right now) and sometimes I swear to God I'm melting! Luckily, I have a pool in my backyard, but that doesn't help with sunburns (neither does sunscreen :( ). Anyway, you don't want to hear about my Bubbles!-melting summer. You want to hear about how totally awesome and adorable this was, and how your siggy is totally the most adorable siggy ever made! Kudos for your awesome story and siggy! Loved this!

BYE! :bleh:

Edited by Bubbles!
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Mmmmmmm... Yes. Sneezy cold Sammy is probably the best thing that's ever happened to this world! That was SO adorable. I definitely know the feeling of having to have one limb outside the covers when I'm freezing, and how much it sucks!

And your signature... is. so. cute.

Thanks so much!

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Mm, i was going to leave some insightful feedback but I was thoroughly distracted by the forehead-feel in your sig. Loved the fic too. x

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*Holds up 'I love JJ' banner*

You are awesome. How have I not seen this? Have you been holding out on us on LJ or am I just really blind?

There's something unexpectedly hot (Hot! Hee! /doesn't get out much) about runny nose shivery Sam and I feel all the solidarity because apparently it is summer here, but not in any form that you would recognise.

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I would love some winter right now. I'm about near where Bubbles! is, Southern USA, where I must imagine it has to be even hotter. We hit record highs yesterday, 102 degrees. I'm stuck in my house because I'm so white the sun might just kill me. That said, this story painted a very lovely image in my head of nice cold air. Aside from the weather, you're an awesome writer and I thoroughly enjoyed this. Thanks!

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So cute! i just started watching supernatural because there are so many sneezefics of it and i wasnt about to miss them! XD

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  • 1 month later...

nawww this is so cute! smile.png and I completely agree with everyone else, your signature is AMAZING!

aw, thank you so much:)

So cute! i just started watching supernatural because there are so many sneezefics of it and i wasnt about to miss them! XD

isn't it a great show?? thanks for reading!

I would love some winter right now. I'm about near where Bubbles! is, Southern USA, where I must imagine it has to be even hotter. We hit record highs yesterday, 102 degrees. I'm stuck in my house because I'm so white the sun might just kill me. That said, this story painted a very lovely image in my head of nice cold air. Aside from the weather, you're an awesome writer and I thoroughly enjoyed this. Thanks!

haha, now that I'm in a different hemisphere I'm wishing for that cold weather again...thank you so much!!

*Holds up 'I love JJ' banner*

You are awesome. How have I not seen this? Have you been holding out on us on LJ or am I just really blind?

There's something unexpectedly hot (Hot! Hee! /doesn't get out much) about runny nose shivery Sam and I feel all the solidarity because apparently it is summer here, but not in any form that you would recognise.

hmm, don't remember if I posted it on LJ or not, but I though I did...either way, THANKS BB

Mm, i was going to leave some insightful feedback but I was thoroughly distracted by the forehead-feel in your sig. Loved the fic too. x

hee, thanks, it was fun to make:)

Aww, this is so sweet!! I just love sneezy!Sammy. wub.png

me too!! thanks:)

Mmmmmmm... Yes. Sneezy cold Sammy is probably the best thing that's ever happened to this world! That was SO adorable. I definitely know the feeling of having to have one limb outside the covers when I'm freezing, and how much it sucks!

And your signature... is. so. cute.

Thanks so much!

thank YOU! :heart:

This was adorable! Nothin' like a little sneezy!Sam torture to get through the winter, eh? Ahhh, I don't think I even remember winter. I live in Midwestern USA (where it is freakin' summer right now) and sometimes I swear to God I'm melting! Luckily, I have a pool in my backyard, but that doesn't help with sunburns (neither does sunscreen sadsmiley.gif ). Anyway, you don't want to hear about my Bubbles!-melting summer. You want to hear about how totally awesome and adorable this was, and how your siggy is totally the most adorable siggy ever made! Kudos for your awesome story and siggy! Loved this!

BYE! bleh.gif

thank you thank you!

that was cute heart.gif and your sig is COOL!!! yes.gif

haha, thanks! :)

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