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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneeze Fetish and Pseudo-Sadism?


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Ever since I've acknowledged that my attraction to sneezing as a "fetish," I've started to notice other quirks about myself - things that induce (no pun intended) that same feeling of excitement that sneezing does. Or even if it's not quite as intense, things that tickle my fancy.

I've connected the dots, and it all seems mildly sadistic. Which I'm okay with. It makes sense though that the sneezing fetish may be (not necessarily for everyone, but for some) a mild form of sadism. We love to catch someone when they are vulnerable, out of control, and maybe suffering a little bit.

So I created this board for people to post their other quirks that might somehow be a relative of your love for sneezing. Does anyone else share mine? I've found that when I read books or watch movies/TV, I love:

  • Fevers
  • Coughing
  • When a character makes a vocal noise or facial expression that indicates pain, such as a grunt or a wince.
  • Intense scenes with physical roughness, such as someone being grabbed harshly or choked.
  • When an attractive character is roughed up/bloodied/dirty.
  • When an attractive character gets really angry and yells or screams and cries.

Please share yours! And feel free to share specific examples.

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- Fevers

- Coughing

- When a character makes a vocal noise or facial expression that indicates pain, such as a grunt or a wince.

- Intense scenes with physical roughness, such as someone being grabbed harshly or choked.

- When an attractive character is roughed up/bloodied/dirty.

- When an attractive character gets really angry and yells or screams and cries.

^ all of these things. Definitely. And as strange as it may sound coming from a former emetophobe, I can also add vomiting to the list. Anything loss of control, as long as it's fictional. And yes, "mildly sadistic" is how I always describe my fetish preferences.

Interesting topic!

Edited by VoOs
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- Fevers

- Coughing

- When a character makes a vocal noise or facial expression that indicates pain, such as a grunt or a wince.

- Intense scenes with physical roughness, such as someone being grabbed harshly or choked.

- When an attractive character is roughed up/bloodied/dirty.

- When an attractive character gets really angry and yells or screams and cries.

^ all of these things. Definitely. And as strange as it may sound for a former emetophobe, I can also add vomiting to the list. Anything loss of control, as long as it's fictional. And yes "mildly sadistic" is how I always describe my fetish preferences.

Interesting topic!

^ I can sign this list as well. Along with the vomiting and that I've always considered my preferences somewhat sadistic.

I also have a thing for broken ribs and collarbones. It makes all of the above even better. :3 And the strong emotions when people lose someone they love. Or just when they're really, really, really sad for a good reason.

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- Fevers

- Coughing

- When a character makes a vocal noise or facial expression that indicates pain, such as a grunt or a wince.

- Intense scenes with physical roughness, such as someone being grabbed harshly or choked.

- When an attractive character is roughed up/bloodied/dirty.

- When an attractive character gets really angry and yells or screams and cries.

^ all of these things. Definitely. And as strange as it may sound for a former emetophobe, I can also add vomiting to the list. Anything loss of control, as long as it's fictional. And yes "mildly sadistic" is how I always describe my fetish preferences.

Interesting topic!

^ I can sign this list as well. Along with the vomiting and that I've always considered my preferences somewhat sadistic.

I also have a thing for broken ribs and collarbones. It makes all of the above even better. :3 And the strong emotions when people lose someone they love. Or just when they're really, really, really sad for a good reason.

Haha, exactly everything eveyone else above has said! +1 Yes to that list! Especially fevers. I equate them with the dazed/confused feeling of crushing on/lusting after someone so you can pretty much bet any song using using "fever" as a metaphor for infatuation makes me weak in the knees blushsmiley.gif .

Sneezing is the only thing I sometimes find attractive in real life too though. The rest (especially vommiting) are only in fiction. And, yes, I do feel slightly sadistic and a little guilty to enjoy these things... confused.gif

Edited by cherry
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No. :lol:

Sneezing (well, allergies) is the only thing in that regard that I like. Anything illness-related and you'll have me turned off in a split second. I can like it when someone gets angry, though, as long as the anger is not aimed at me. I don't take any kind of pleasure in watching someone crying or being hurt, not in real life and not in fiction. So... apparently I'm not a very good sadist. :lol:

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I've just recently discovered that everything I like is some form of mild suffering to the person doing it. eg: sneezing, suffering from allergies/hay fever, and most of all, crying! I like it when a SO has a deep, emotional damaged part of them which is hard for them to talk about. I feel like a sadist every day sadsmiley.gif

~Ooh, and I agree with enjoying seeing people angry, or bruised/hurt. But that is very circumstantial. I don't like to see people in too much pain- and it's really only people I have an attraction to.

Edited by cheech
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I think I'm a bit of a sadist too for that sort of thing. It's not that I enjoy inflicting pain or holding power over someone, it's just that if they do happen to be somewhat compromised, I kinda like it. The only time it's obviously sexual for me is with this fetish. With things like coughing or fever I just feel sympathetic and affectionate...and maybe a teeny bit turned on? I honestly can't tell.

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I can related to quite a few of these things. I especially have a love for physically weak guys; you know all the fainting, stumbling, dizziness etc. I have a little thing for almost coma-situations, where the guy has to go to hospital, sleeps for a few days while someone takes care of them. Fevers are also a soft spot of mine. :wub:

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  • Fevers
  • Coughing
  • When a character makes a vocal noise or facial expression that indicates pain, such as a grunt or a wince.
  • Intense scenes with physical roughness, such as someone being grabbed harshly or choked.
  • When an attractive character is roughed up/bloodied/dirty.
  • When an attractive character gets really angry and yells or screams and cries.

^ Yes to all of the above except the last one. And also what AppleBlossom said about physically weak guys and fainting and stuff.

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It's not that I enjoy inflicting pain or holding power over someone [...]

Passive sadism. The good kind. : )

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- Fevers

- Coughing

- When a character makes a vocal noise or facial expression that indicates pain, such as a grunt or a wince.

- Intense scenes with physical roughness, such as someone being grabbed harshly or choked.

- When an attractive character is roughed up/bloodied/dirty.

- When an attractive character gets really angry and yells or screams and cries.

^ all of these things. Definitely. And as strange as it may sound for a former emetophobe, I can also add vomiting to the list. Anything loss of control, as long as it's fictional. And yes "mildly sadistic" is how I always describe my fetish preferences.

Interesting topic!

^ I can sign this list as well. Along with the vomiting and that I've always considered my preferences somewhat sadistic.

I also have a thing for broken ribs and collarbones. It makes all of the above even better. :3 And the strong emotions when people lose someone they love. Or just when they're really, really, really sad for a good reason.

Haha, exactly everything eveyone else above has said! +1 Yes to that list! Especially fevers. I equate them with the dazed/confused feeling of crushing on/lusting after someone so you can pretty much bet any song using using "fever" as a metaphor for infatuation makes me weak in the knees blushsmiley.gif .

Sneezing is the only thing I sometimes find attractive in real life too though. The rest (especially vommiting) are only in fiction. And, yes, I do feel slightly sadistic and a little guilty to enjoy these things... confused.gif

Basically me.

This post is adding so much to the topic heh.gif Sorry, I'll go~

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I like a lot of the stuff you guys mentioned. Here's my list (aside from sneezing, which should be fairly obvious):

- Coughing

- Fever

- Just the whole miserably sick thing - like a really bad headache or terrible congestion.

- Asthma

- Like yours, grunting or wincing in pain. I can also add, moaning, and when their face goes white but they don't say anything because they're trying to hide it.

- Emotional pain works too

- Broken bones in general, but especially ribs and collarbones (so like Nova)

- Fainting

- Crying

Like most of the people here, I don't like to be the one inflicting this kind of stuff, and if this happened to someone around me I would probably feel more sympathetic and try to take care of them rather than turned on. That's also why I like this stuff much better in fics and tv-shows than in real life, because then I don't feel as bad... The only thing I tend to find attractive in real life is sneezing, really.

(Huh, I just realized that most of what I wrote has been said already. Oh, well.)

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And as strange as it may sound for a former emetophobe, I can also add vomiting to the list.

The funny thing is, I've been kind of the same way lately. Ever since i was a kid, I have been a HUGE emetophobe, to the point where it has greatly affected the way I live my life. But over the past few years, I've been determined to conquer this fear. I used to nearly have a panic attack when encountering vomit in real life, and I absolutely COULD NOT watch it on tv or in a movie. if I accidentally caught a character throwing up, it would haunt me for days.

But now I've almost added vomiting to the list. Strictly in fiction of course. Keep it far away from me in real life. But I've started including it in my writing because I like the drama and intensity of it, and like you were saying, the loss of control. I find that I like when it happens in books, because you can kind of censor it. It doesn't have to be super explicit. I'm even starting to like it (or at least, be okay with it) in movies. But I would still prefer it kind of covered up. I don't need to SEE it, thank you. Oh and also I do NOT like it if the cause is a stomach bug. Nope. It has to be non-contagious. Contagion only works for respiratory bugs.

Ya, I find that all very interesting.

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- Fevers

- Coughing

- When a character makes a vocal noise or facial expression that indicates pain, such as a grunt or a wince.

- Intense scenes with physical roughness, such as someone being grabbed harshly or choked.

- When an attractive character is roughed up/bloodied/dirty.

- When an attractive character gets really angry and yells or screams and cries.

^ all of these things. Definitely. And as strange as it may sound for a former emetophobe, I can also add vomiting to the list. Anything loss of control, as long as it's fictional. And yes "mildly sadistic" is how I always describe my fetish preferences.

Interesting topic!

^ I can sign this list as well. Along with the vomiting and that I've always considered my preferences somewhat sadistic.

I also have a thing for broken ribs and collarbones. It makes all of the above even better. :3 And the strong emotions when people lose someone they love. Or just when they're really, really, really sad for a good reason.

I can related to quite a few of these things. I especially have a love for physically weak guys; you know all the fainting, stumbling, dizziness etc. I have a little thing for almost coma-situations, where the guy has to go to hospital, sleeps for a few days while someone takes care of them. Fevers are also a soft spot of mine. wub.png

Well said, everyone. My husband even refers to my fetishes as "BDSM's soft and cuddly little sister." Fevers are actually my primary fetish, and I like really high, delirious fevers. (That's where the name comes from- I like my lovers burning up!) I also have a bit of thing for wounds and injuries, so fevers from infected wounds are awesome. I second vomiting in fiction only! Yuck. I wouldn't mind somebody I was caring for going to the bathroom to throw up, so long as I didn't have to see/hear/smell it.

So long as I didn't inflict it, I don't feel bad about enjoying it because I only express it in a compassionate way. None of us are about to tell someone "Wow, I'm so glad you're suffering!" so there's no guilt for me.

Yay, mild sadists! wine.gifDoes that mean you'll all come and hang out in the "related fetishes" board with me? There's some good fever material kicking around there. Also cookies.

Edited by Salamander
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I can related to quite a few of these things. I especially have a love for physically weak guys; you know all the fainting, stumbling, dizziness etc. I have a little thing for almost coma-situations, where the guy has to go to hospital, sleeps for a few days while someone takes care of them. Fevers are also a soft spot of mine. :wub:

YESSSSSSS. <3 I love those physically weak characters. Fevers, fainting, dipping in and out of consciousness, moaning in their sleep...ohmigod. That's like all I ever wrote about as a kid.

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My crying fetish is as strong as or stronger than my sneezing fetish, but for me the comforting part is almost as important as the actual crying/sneezing itself, so I'm not sure how linked to sadism that is? I like all the signs of weakness too, don't get me wrong (though for me they're less fetishes themselves and more just cute little add-ons), but only because they're something I can imagine someone (ideally myself) going in and soothing. I noticed (more with crying than with sneezing, interestingly) a scene in a movie where someone cries isn't nearly as satisfying if the person is alone - I need to watch someone go and hold them and make it better in order to enjoy it.

But at the same time, the misery part in the beginning is equally important. So. I don't know.

As for vomiting, my fear of it remains a serious problem in my life, but lately it's started to appeal to me in fiction (and in TV, but only when the person runs off screen to behind a closed door) as well. I also don't like it to be contagious though, or from alcohol, but I think it's almost almost cute if it's from nerves. Knowing how the sneeze fetish started out as a fear for me too, though (granted, when I was three years old) I wonder if this'll develop further.

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I noticed (more with crying than with sneezing, interestingly) a scene in a movie where someone cries isn't nearly as satisfying if the person is alone - I need to watch someone go and hold them and make it better in order to enjoy it.

Interesting- I feel that way about fevers and illness. I'll skip through the bits of fics where the person is ill and alone, to get to the comfort. It doesn't even have to be comfort, per se, just acknowledgement and interaction. Ideally, admission. But I digress.

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I agree with everything stated above. I'm also kinda a sucker for people being cold, like shivering and everything. *blushes* anyone with me?

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I'm also kinda a sucker for people being cold, like shivering and everything. *blushes* anyone with me?


In fiction, I also like seeing people being drugged or drunk. Slurred speech, staggering, hallucinations, passing out...

People being really terrified is very enjoyable too. Trembling voices, cold sweat, gasping and whimpering.

Man, I feel like I need to mention that I find things like uncontrollable laughter, tears of joy and moans of pleasure just as sexy as the... more unpleasant stuff. :laugh:I'm not completely evil, I promise!

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I agree with most of what people mentioned above. Along with sneezing, I enjoy:

Coughing/throat clearing

Pain, especially if it is expressed with a wince or a groan

Feeling cold

Raw or strong emotion, such as anger or fear or despair (Depending on the situation. Used correctly, it can be very appealing to me, but not always)

And as for vomiting... I havn't really decided yet. I think that in fics I can enjoy it, sometimes on TV/movies (Usually if I'm expecting it rather than being surprised by it.) I can say with almost absolute certain that I would not enjoy it in real life, though. Probably. I don't know.

Delirious fevers/being drunk/being drugged... uhh... sometimes? Only occasionally. For some reason, this one isn't as appealing to me as the others.

The only two things that I can really add are headaches, and things being done because of it such as holding the head, squinting, or pinching the bridge of the nose. The second thing being, and this applies with all of the above, is that I like the person to be dealing with it; not lying in bead complaining about it. I like them to be doing things they would normally do, going on with their lives and trying to function as well as they normally would. This can include denial, and/or attempting to hide it from others. At least, at first. An eventual crash is always nice.

I do like caretaking, but I don't like for the person who needs it to outright demand it, if that makes sense.

Edited by everest
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Wow, I didn't realize any of that before. All of the things on this list sound super hot. You can add me to this list!

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Ever since I was really young (I mean 5 or 6), I seemed to be a bit of attracted to all these, but still in that "Ohhh, poor thing" way. Because sneezing also gives that little feeling of being sorry for the sneezer, and also (for me) guilty. "Am I a bad person because this turned me on?" and stuff.

But it's not like I've been sadistic, neither in overall, or (I guess not) in sexual way. I mean, I don't know what I want in that way. I am a virgin, and I plan to stay like that for now. It is not I "swam the warm waters of sins of the flesh".

But I like rough stuff a bit, yeah. :)

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I can sign that list as well, but I wouldnt connect my cold fetish as much to sadism as I do to stuff like caretaking and being able to... Be a bit more childish than usually. xD In a way. I don't know how to explain it.

I like inflicting pain, but at the same time I don't. I like to see pain, suffering, desperation... But I don't enjoy these things if I'm the "victim" where as with colds I prefer to have them myself. And the pleasure of pain and suffering is different from the... fetishy pleasure. Well, most often at least. I love sickness in general, though. Not all kinds, no, but all this casual stuff. I can say for sure that if I wasn't emetophobic I'd enjoy that stuff as well, LoL... because it includes... Needs and needing to take it easy, in somecases a need for other people's support, care and help. It can really make one weak and dependent, lol, and that sometimes brings out gestures that indicate love from other people. That's one thing I like about... stuff. xD But yeah... I don't know. I alsoo love the idea of the microscopic beings conquering space from inside of someone. And these anatomical drawings of the insides (included with illustrated signs of an infection). I don't know.

Hmm... *shrug* R.L wanted me to answer this, LoL~

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