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Being harrassed on yim


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I dont even know if this is the right place to put this..but i dont know what else to do...these things..these damn sexbots or whatever they are, keep driving me nuts on yahoo messenger. i dont know how they got my ID or what, but they just wont stop harrassing me...what makes it worse is that at first i thought the people asking me to add them to my list were actual people...like from here or something. there were like 5 of them...and since then i havent been able to tell whos who on my list, and now i cant get them away from me. anyone have any idea how they couldve gotten my info, and how do i block it from anymore of them? its really bothering me...cause ill think im talking to someone who knows me at first, then it turns into one of these bots....i mean would reporting these creeps even do any good? i just really cant take it anymore...i just want to blow them up..lol

so yeah...id really appreciate it if anyone could help me get rid of this mess

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Hi it's funny you should have mentioned this cause I also have had several of these! You can delete them easily enough, but now I won't except any request unless they say they are a sff! Hope you sort it soon :)

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yeah ive been blocking them too...i just dont know where theyre comming from...i dont even post my info anywhere, so i cant figure out how theyre finding me. maybe theyre just bothering random people if im not the only one

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  • 1 month later...

I also suffer the same problem. I just keep deleting them if they don't answer where they got my email address from?

If you find an answer on how to stop them please share. I would like to know. I get one almost every week or two.

I keep thinking that it is someone from furaffinity.net or sneezefurs.org.

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I've had it happen. I *Only* accept friends if the person has told me their IM screen-name- or they send a request w/ a message to where I know that I know them.

I have declined on a couple and sent a note saying, "Where do I know you from?" and I get no reply... obviously no reply. Now- I block.

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The best advice I can give is just not to accept the requests unless you are really sure who they are. Maybe you can let people know that you're happy to have them add you, but should let you know their ID beforehand via a different way so you know they're not bots?

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  • 1 month later...

this is still going on...with ALL my yim accounts. i know i just gotta delete them and ignore them....but there are so damn many, practically every time i log in..damn internet lol

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