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common cold cure for cancer ?


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One more reason to stop finding "a cure" for the common cold was given in yesterday's news:


The article is in Dutch (good chance to practice your foreign languages, or perhaps google translate can help you... )

Apparently the virus is being used in large-scale tests in a university to help curing cancer.

It is seen to attack the cancer cells and leave the healthy cells alone.

If tests further confirm its effectiveness, research will have to start on how to keep people's immune systems from fighting the common cold virus.

Almost sounds like it comes straight from a story on this board ;) Sometimes reality beats fiction...

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If tests further confirm its effectiveness, research will have to start on how to keep people's immune systems from fighting the common cold virus.

And therein lies the removal of all the fun. Most of the symptoms are caused by our immune system's reaction to the virus, not to the virus itself. Interesting nonetheless.

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