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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Do you have a tell?

Ali Marie

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I'm worried that it made be a little difficult for me to keep a straight face during a sneeze. I just a recently noticed this, but...I bite. I bite anything that I can get into my mouth. Pillows, pencils, my fingers. shy.gif It's almost like a tell, like in poker. Now, I fear that I may give myself way. I suppose that you would have to see the ritual more than once to make anything serious of it. My parents have pointed it out, but only because they already know. However, a friend & former Co-Star did manage to figure me out after having witnessed it just once...But I may have jumped the gun.

Does anyone else have a tell?

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Now that a few of my friends know about the fetish, I'll quite often be in a situation where someone is sneezing and either they know or someone else there knows that it might be turning me on. I just quietly leave the room for a sec, go get a drink or go to the bathroom or something, just to avoid the potential awkwardness. I don't know if my friends have picked up on this, but it's less embarrassing than sitting there blushing furiously.

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...haha, I'm pretty sure I'm as far from being discreet as can be without openly shouting "I love colds" in the streets...'''

But yeah, I can't really tell myself if I have any... real tells. xD I mean yeah, I openly stare ( 8'DD ), if I'm talking I might just go all silent for the duration of... what ever I'm withnessing or at least the volume of my voice probably goes down... I mean... Yeah, it's pretty far something you do notice if the person you are talking with suddenly gets all quiet mid-sentence and their eyes turn to someone else then back to you and they continue from where they were... It's not like I do that ALWAYS, though...

Hmm... I'm pretty sure there's some other stuff I do... xD I don't know, R.L might know better.

Edited by Sitruuna
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I sit there with this goofy grin on my face. Or just stare openly until I realize I'm supposed to be looking away.

Worst tell ever, I think.

Aside from screaming, "SNEEZE ON, YOU SEXY BEAST!" x'DDDDDDDD

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I don't think I have any tells that are terribly obvious, but I notice them even if no one else probably would. My face just heats up some and if I'm talking I'll trip over words or suddenly forget what I was talking about. I think my eyes dart around a little bit, too, like I'm trying to find where the sneeze came from at first and then look away from where it might have been. XD

For example, earlier today, I was talking to someone at work when a guy in the next room sneezed (really attractively, just EXACTLY the kind of sneeze I like), and I might as well have tied my tongue in a knot for all the coherence I had for a few seconds after. I'm not sure if it was noticeable to the person I was talking to, but it sure felt awkward for me.

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I probably have a tell, but unless they are a psychologist I doubt anyone would notice. (all Criminal Minds like)

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Well I don't think I make it too obvious in most situations but it depends on the sneeze. If it's from family I just cringe and sometimes as a reflex I'll mouth "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck off!". I make sure no one's looking though it's just to get my frustration out. Or I'll casually pretend to play with my hair and press my fingers to my ears to block it out, or any more to come. For actual sneezing that I enjoy sometimes I catch the person's eye or look at them for too long but I think I'm pretty good at hiding it. I do a lot of acting too so that helps. I do smirk sometimes if it's a certain sneeze that really gets me. If my friends who know about the fetish are around sometimes I can't help but giggle and I have to turn away. Once my friend even started giggling before I did and I was like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I think I make it obvious around them because I think they've noticed when in fact they haven't. One time it was so bad, the student teacher that I was crushing on sneezed litterally right next to me. It was right in my ear so I turned bright red and started shaking with adrenaline and trying to hide it while my friend just sat there oblivious. Other than that time though I don't think I have any major tells. sweatdrop.gif

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I can't sit calmly, doesn't matter if someone sneezed or no. But sooner or later, I will end up with legs crossed. And I always bring my knees in tight when someone sneezes. My friend, who knows about my fetish, once told me: "It seems that someone got shorter for an inch!" (She didn't say inch, 'cause here we use centimeters, but the point is here. yes.gif )

That and blushing and staring... :)

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Good question! :)

I sort of have a tell. When someone sneezes, I HAVE to talk. It doesn't matter at all what I say, but the voice needs to be used. And most of the time I can't bring myself to bless. :lol: So it has to be something else. Usually something like "where the hell did I put [random object]", or "all right now what was I doing", or "OW!" (pretending to walk into something or bump a body part). It's totally stupid, but as far as I know nobody has picked up on it yet!

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I smile. It's just a quick, absent-minded little smile directed towards the floor, and I doubt anyone who doesn't know already would ever make the connection.

If the person keeps at it and I'm trying to have a conversation, however, chanses are that I will eventually lose track and go: "uhm...uh... what was I saying again?" It's hard to keep talking when you can't hear your own voice over the sound of someone being shamelessly sexy. :rolleyes:

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I try to be descrete but I'm a bit of a starer. Nothing long but I usually end up staring for some length of time. When it's someone I'm attracted to in addition to the sneeze related part of them then I'm a bit less descrete because I probably have this excited look across my face and then start stumbling across my words for a moment.

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I don't have much of a tell simply because I am sorely, desperately, obscenely paranoid about these kinds of things. I never, ever, ever give away any signs that I'm even remotely interested. I might even go so far as to ignore the person in question for a few seconds afterwards.

Needless to say, I'm known for spacing out a lot around my sneezier friends. x.x

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I don't have much of a tell simply because I am sorely, desperately, obscenely paranoid about these kinds of things. I never, ever, ever give away any signs that I'm even remotely interested. I might even go so far as to ignore the person in question for a few seconds afterwards.

Needless to say, I'm known for spacing out a lot around my sneezier friends. x.x

Doesn't that kind of count as a tell?

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I don't have much of a tell simply because I am sorely, desperately, obscenely paranoid about these kinds of things. I never, ever, ever give away any signs that I'm even remotely interested. I might even go so far as to ignore the person in question for a few seconds afterwards.

Needless to say, I'm known for spacing out a lot around my sneezier friends. x.x

Doesn't that kind of count as a tell?

Kind of, but I space out a lot, anyways, so I don't think anyone would make the connection.

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