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Mind posting some REALLY stupid jokes?


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I know bad jokes can make people laugh even more than really good ones, that's why I want you to help me to do one compilation.

Shall we?

-Two old women are sitting in the dark, the third one arrives and turns the light on.

-A cow walks in a desert and washing machine falls on her.

-Q: How do we call fish with no eyes?

A: Fsh!

-Two men walk down the street, one dies and other one's mother works in a tobacco shop.


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Q: How do we call fish with no eyes? A: Fsh!

Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes

A: No idea....

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- What's the difference between a hare?

- It can neither ride a bicycle.

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A snail in the north pole, do you know what he's called, with his house and all?



That joke came to me at night in a dream. Most moronic joke ever, but I laugh at it all the time. :lmfao:

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Here, in the Green Church, lettuce pray. When it's thyme to shed our earthly cucumbrances...

Oh gods, somebody stop me from blurting out ALL THE PUNS.

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Now I remembered this one, told by one kid from my class, who isn't too bright and he has some behaviour disorders.

"If first son is yoghurt, who is second one?


He laughed so hard while telling it, so we roared with laughter after hearing it like it was the best joke ever told... :)

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- What's the difference between a hare?

- It can neither ride a bicycle.

Along the same lines:

What's the difference between a duck?

One of its legs is the same.

What's green and brown would really hurt you if it fell out of a tree?

A snooker table.

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  • 1 month later...

For those who recall Britpop!

A man was parousing the menu in a restaurant, on it he saw a dish named "Oasis Soup". No description of the dish followed and, curious, he ordered it.

The waiter delivered a steaming bowl of soup and a bread plate.

When the man had finished, the waiter came over to collect the empty bowl and plate, now containing nothing but crumbs. "Did you enjoy your soup sir?" he asked.

"Oh it was delicious, but tell me, why is it called Oasis Soup? I couldn't taste anything I'd assoicate with deserts, exotic locations or water?"

The waiter pointed to the crumb covered plate and said..."You got a roll with it..."

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Don't hate me, but I have to put this one because it got so popular with my friends.

"What happens when you eat all of the potatoes?"

"They're all gone!"

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The waiter pointed to the crumb covered plate and said..."You got a roll with it..."

This one made me chuckle.

I've got a few really, really awful ones.

What do you call a man with a spade on his head?


What do you call a man with a seagull on his head?


What's pink and hard?

A gangster pig with a switchblade. (your dirty mind thought it was something else. *tut*)

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What do you call a man with a seagull on his head?


HAHAHAHAHA!!! :lmfao: Oh my God I haven't laughed so hard in quite a while. Thank you! :lol:

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What do you call a man with a spade on his head? Doug.

What do you call a man WITHOUT a spade on his head?


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What do you call a man WITHOUT a spade on his head? Douglas Selective Quote Quote MultiQuote

Hahaha, not heard of that one before! :laugh:

HAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my God I haven't laughed so hard in quite a while. Thank you!

Well, I'm glad someone found it funny. xD

I remembered another really cheesy one:

In what sort of cheese would you hide a horse? (eheheh 'cheesy', get it?)


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