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Handkerchief vs. hankie


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Just from what I've observed here in the forum, it seems to me like the word 'hankie' is more prevalently used by men - 'handkerchief' more so by women.

So I figured I'd pose the question: which word do you prefer? And why?

Personally, I use 'handkerchief' because to me it seems masculine and classy and a touch vulnerable, and that's just how I like my men. ;) Something about the hard 'k' and 'ch' sounds followed by the soft 'f'. Mmm.

(I actually can't stand 'hankie', funny enough. No offense intended to anyone, it's just a personal preference. Like, just the thought of saying it aloud or being around someone saying it gives me the same kind of feeling as a family member's sneeze. And I have no idea why. Am I alone in this?)

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Personally, I use 'handkerchief' because to me it seems masculine

Interestingly, I prefer hankie because it seems softer and more feminine

Sorry JenJen!

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I prefer handkerchief for the same reasons, JenJen, 'hankie' sounds infantalized and baby-talk isn't generally something I want to think about in the fetish context. Although, there are always exceptions!

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Personally, I use 'handkerchief' because to me it seems masculine and classy and a touch vulnerable

^This. :yes:

I've never liked the word "hankie". Like Garnet, I think it sounds infantalized and almost a bit silly.

H a n d k e r c h i e f on the other hand... Now that's classy. Long and elegant. And it's really fun to spell.

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I'm on the fence with this, I use both hanky and handkerchief, and with it being a big part of my fetish I like both equally :)

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Definitely prefer handkerchief over hankie. For some reason I have a dislike for the word hankie. However, as VoOs said, I think handkerchief sounds elegant and has a chivalrous ring to it (and it *is* fun to spell :lol: ).

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I prefer handkerchief for the same reasons, JenJen, 'hankie' sounds infantalized and baby-talk isn't generally something I want to think about in the fetish context. Although, there are always exceptions!

You know, the infantalizing aspect of the word isn't something I had considered, but now that you bring it up I think that's the exact problem I have with it. Definitely not sexy to me.

I wonder if this is the same reason I don't like the word "panties"...

Edited by JenJen
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I fail at both typing and speaking so I guess I often prefer hankie, since it's easier to both type and say out loud. xD

But... I like long words. So in a way I'd prefer handkerchief. (didItypodidI?)

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I prefer handkerchief. What a great word. I like hankies informally too, but the word handkerchief, to me, is a powerful one.

I also like the way different people say it. Like some Americans will call it a "handkerchiff" as opposed to "handkerchief", which I find quite cute.

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"Hankerchief" sounds better to me :D It's classier and should go with classy sneezes lol

I'm not totally opposed to the use of "hanky" though.

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some Americans will call it a "handkerchiff" as opposed to "handkerchief", which I find quite cute.

And this American finds the reverse really very cute. :blushing:

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some Americans will call it a "handkerchiff" as opposed to "handkerchief", which I find quite cute.

And this American finds the reverse really very cute. blushing.gif

Oh how funny, I hadn't considered the difference pronunciations. :D I definitely am a "-chiff".

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I think 'chiff' only works with the American accent, it wouldnt sound right with a northern English accent lol

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I think 'chiff' only works with the American accent, it wouldnt sound right with a northern English accent lol

Now I'm going to add that to my list of words that would make me grin to hear in N. English accent. hehehe.... First one is "soccer" - that Still amuses me greatly.

Ok... :sorry for OT there.... :blushing:

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  • 11 months later...

I always prefer handkerchief(hanker-cheef) and handkerchieves(cheeves).I use hankie about once every ten years.Sounds classier.Women pronouncing it that way make me crazy.Love spellling the word too.

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