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Does anyone remember these books?


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I remember about fifteen years ago, there were a ton of new book series for young people; Francine Pascal's series about the twins for example. But these two series came about that same time, it was supernatural/horror stories and I absolutely loved them!

One was "Phantom Valley", as far as I remember those had no returning main character but consisted of different scary stories. I only had two of those, but I remember loving them a lot.

The other one, which was my absolute favourite for YEARS, was "House of Horrors", about a brother and a sister who moves in at a new place, and there are monsters and ghosts and insanely scary things there. "Jeepers Creepers" was my number one favourite. If anyone remembers this series, was there more than four books? I seem to recall six titles, but I only had four of them... and did we ever get to know why the things happened in that house?

Does anyone else remember these books, or were they only popular around my area?

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