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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Knot Gneiss

Graham Cracked

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I absolutely love the author, Pierce Anthony's work. The most recent book I've been reading is called 'Knot Gneiss', a fantasy world that has a lot of puns with the environments they live in. However, at one point, they go into an alternate dimension and go through all these rooms to get out. One room had plants of 'peppermint' that released clouds of pepper, obviously making the characters sneeze. What annoyed me a little was the fact he wrote it as just 'sneeze!'. An example sentence being, '"But we can't --sneeze!-- let go of each --sneeze!-- other," Meryl protested.' (They had to hold hands through the rooms to avoid going mad). I don't know if it's just because I've written and read so many stories that included the actual sound, but that's something that's bothered me for a while >.>

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Well, there's so many different ways to spell the sound, maybe the author wanted to let the reader choose their own.

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That would bother me too. But, I think it's a little better than the plain old "ACHOO!" That just sounds fake, even in my head. I'm determined to publish a book someday with an actual spelled out sneeze. I wonder what non-fetishists would think, coming across something like "Heh'ECKSHoo!!!" in a book?

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Valid points, yeah. I probably am a little too used to stories around here, cause it would be sort of weird for regular stories to have fully written sneezes in them xD

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Pierce Anthony or Piers Anthony? I know Piers, from the Apprentice Adept series. Is he the one you mean? I must admit I'd have thought he'd have come up with a better alternative than "sneeze!"...

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