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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Unexpected Honking Blow, followed by Sneeze (self obs, M)

shy guy

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Today I had lunch at Panera Bread. It was a rainy, relatively cool day for Summer, so I had the Chicken Lemon Orzo soup. The combination of eating hot soup in an over air-conditioned dining room made my nose quite runny, so as I was getting up to leave, I reached for my handkerchief: it was a white handkerchief with blue and gray banding around the borders, freshly ironed, one of my current favorites. I unfolded the hankie, raised it to my nose, and started to blow, expecting it to be a quiet, wet blow of short duration. I was quite wrong, however, because as I started to blow I found that my nose was much more "full" than expected. I started to blow harder, and found myself producing quite a loud honk. I had to blow each side of my nose a couple more times, honking loudly each time. With my nose now clear, I refolded my hankie and proceeded to my car.

As luck would have it, just as I reached my car, the sun appeared from behind a cloud, sending it's rays direcrly into my unshaded eyes. Before I even knew what was happening, I took a quick gulp of air and unleashed an enormous, uncovered sneeze, bending over by 90 degrees at the waste, sending the spray onto the pavement.

Quite a good mornings work if you ask me!

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