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Do You Ever "Gender-Switch" When Listening to Wavs?


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I find that, sometimes, when there is a dearth of new male fetish material, I will go listen to wavs done by females and picture/imagine a male sneezing instead. Does anyone else do this, or am I just super weird? xD

An interesting thing to note though is that it does not make me find the female sneezes sexy...I suppose maybe it's just the material itself combined with my fantasies? I don't really know :P

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I think I've done this once or twice, and tried to other times, but sometimes it's just impossible to convince myself that a female sneezing is a male sneezing so I give up. It would need to be a deep-voiced female. :P

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I've tried it, since I like female sneezing but my tastes are SUPER picky and wavs almost never cut it. Like Anony, it doesn't usually work out that well for me :1

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No, but this one time I was in a book store and heard someone sneezing and sniffling in another aisle. I stood (well, actually sat and pretended to read a book) and listened for a long time. The person clearly had a cold and sneezed quite a bit. I was certain it was a guy based on the sound and even had a mental picture and everything. I finally decided that I had to see what the person looked like so I did some detective work and when I found the person, it was a girl! At first I thought I had the wrong person but the evidence was there. It was strange.

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I have never done this and I can't see it working for me as male sneezes are such a turn off in my case. It would need too big a leap of the imagination.

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I have never done this and I can't see it working for me as male sneezes are such a turn off in my case. It would need too big a leap of the imagination.

Same here - male sneezes turn me right off. Really find it off putting when a YouTube clip or .wav is not labelled gender specific, and I accidently get a few seconds of male sneezing before I can switch it off...

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That's typical for me, actually. Whenever I go watch a sneeze video or whatever I'll close my eyes and go into this whole scenario in my head complete with fictional characters and everything. I usually tend to prefer male sneezing but imagining the female voice as a male one has never been too difficult for me, for whatever reason.

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  • 7 months later...

To be honest, I'm not much of a sneeze fetishist...

I'm rather pansexual... so I wouldn't care either way.

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There are two situations in which I will do this. If I'm working on a story and listening to wavs for inspiration on the way I want a character's sneeze to sound I will sometimes picture a sneezer of one gender as being another gender because the sound of their sneeze works for the character, but they're the wrong gender. I have also sort of spontaneously gender swapped a wav maker when the sound of their sneeze just makes me think more of one gender or another.

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Yeah, I thought I was the only one who did this. I do it all the time. I'm totally gay but for some reason I can halfway pretend male sneezes are female and it doesn't bother me.

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I do that all the time. It's easy to do since I enjoy sneezing from both genders.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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