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Sneeze Fetish Forum

sneezy phone call (both)


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Ok so i was on the phone with my current boyfriend© heres how it went

Me: hey

C: hey babe :)

Me: how are you?

C: Im good. And you?

Me: Good. Wait hold on (i had to sneeze)

C: Babe, you okay?

Me: Yeah i had to sneeze.

C: Well bless you!

Then i ah... but nothing came out, but a couple seconds later, i sneezed.

C: *laughing* bless you!

Me: why are u laughing?

C: it was cute!

Like 10 minutes later,

Me: yes thats what he said.

C: good :) -hascheww-

Me: bless you!

C: thank u babes! I think im getting sick. Im all stuffy.

Me: well im coming over tomorro to take care of u! Love u =3

C: love you too my darling! :)

Thts pretty much how it went but it was the cutest thing ever!

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Aww that was cute

Sneezes on the phone are great!


Yes indeed they are! Haha and the best part is that he knows about my fetish and thibks its adorable! Hah i <3 him

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the best part is that he knows about my fetish and thibks its adorable!

You are doubly lucky then!

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Aww so cute! It's great that he knows too. I love that my boyfriend knows as well makes things more fun!

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