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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Ever Wondered "Why"?


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like the title says, have you ever wondered why you have a sneezing fetish? because its just so...odd and random. not saying that its a bad thing, but i know ive wondered this :P

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I wondered this for a while, but I don't really question it anymore. I suspect it has something to do with a 'trigger' of sorts that occurs when you're very young, but that may not be true for everybody. It was true for me, though! :P The earliest memory I have where this fetish may have started was when I was 3 or 4 years old. I saw a cartoon about a sneezing weasel ("Flop Goes the Weasel", for anyone who knows it). I was so delighted by the sneezing, and ever since then it hasn't gone away. It's just aged with me. ;)

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I've thought some about why fetishes exist in general, but I've really only thought about it in relation to my own fetish in passing. I don't really care why I personally have this particular fetish, but I do find the existence of fetishes and their prevalence interesting in a sort of... Evolutionary sense, I guess.

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Oh plenty of times, to the fact that it's almost actually turned me off. And yet I keep coming back anyway...:P

I mean, I know how it came to be- parents were reading me a story, sneezing was mentioned and I was curious and liked what it was after they explained it me. But why did I like it so much? Why was I drawn back to it? Why is sneezing so appealing to me?

Like Spoo said, it's aged with me I suppose, and now it's just become a part of who I am. To get rid of it would be like getting rid of a part of myself, and that's just not normal.

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The way I see it, it's almost impossible to rationalise

But it's no more or less strange than any other fetish. There are apparently loads of people out there with a foot fetish. Now to me, liking feet in that way is completely bizarre, but to them it will be completely like we feel about sneezing

So in the main, I don't analyse it too much and just roll with it


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I have thought about it a lot over the years, questioning myself, trying to ignore it to see if it would go away etc. I now just give trying to work it out, it's part of me, and I love it :)

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Before this very moment, I have never wondered why I have this fetish.

I often think about myself like a sort of "invisible spy": the world is spinning, living and dreaming, and I just sit and watch. So I wondered if it would be better if I weren't alive or if I were a plant, or rock (I am such an emo :P )

But the question "Why do I have a fetish?" is the one I have never asked myself. Since I have known for myself, I have this kink. I guess I used to take it as a normal part of every human being. And now, when I am probably old enough to wonder about my sexual preferences, I am part of this forum, this huge gang of the people who have this same fetish and I just know: this is allright. This is the way we are.

To end this reply, I will post lyrics of one quite famous song:

"I'm beautiful in my way,

'Cause God makes no mistakes.

I'm on the right track, baby-

I was born this way."

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It's a bit like wondering why the world exists, isn't it? Not that it isn't an interesting and fascinating question, that makes all sorts of lovely thought experiments possible... but I think there is only one true answer to this and many other "Why?" questions: because it can.

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I'm not sure if I ever really wondered why I had it from a physical standpoint, but I have thought about it from a I guess you would call it philosophical standpoint. I think there's a reason for everything that happens to us in life. I met my SO in this community, and we have so much more in common than just the fetish, but I'd like to think we were both given this somewhat rare fetish to greatly increase the odds of us finding each other.

Obviously I know not everyone meets their SO in this community, but maybe the soul reason for people developing this, or any other fetish, is simply so they will meet people that they otherwise would never have met.

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It's a curious thought for sure, but it would be the same to wonder why anyone would have any particular fetish. It seems to be in human programming that everyone has one particular item, action or stimuli to trigger these feelings. I try to think there's nothing unusual about it, it's just how people are made happy. And we just happen to be on an uncommon spectrum.

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but I think there is only one true answer to this and many other "Why?" questions: because it can.

Very King of you, Maru. I like it. ;)

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I used to wonder why I have the fetish a lot when I was younger, but I've grown to realize it's something that I can't change, and something I'll never know the answer to, so I may as well embrace it in my own secret little way. ;)

I do wonder if the fetish is something to do with genetics, though, since I can't think of any 'triggers' I might've had at a young age.

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I have wondered how it developed, but it has been with me for such a long time - way, way before I had developed any sort of sexual feelings which eventually linked themselves to the fetish when I went through puberty - happy days... :)

To be honest, I have never worried about it - I'm just so glad I've got it :D It's harmless, it's something that I don't have to share with my friends - and I love it that way!

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but I think there is only one true answer to this and many other "Why?" questions: because it can.

Very King of you, Maru. I like it. wink.png

Very Sir Edmund Hillary, I was thinking!

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but I think there is only one true answer to this and many other "Why?" questions: because it can.

Very King of you, Maru. I like it. wink.png

Very Sir Edmund Hillary, I was thinking!

I just read King's short story about the finger in the sink the other day, so that's why it came to mind first. :lol:

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