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Bubbles! Sneeze Diary


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Okay guys, so this is only my second time posting obs so be easy on me, kay?

So anyway, in the past three days this guy I know (let's call him A) has sneezed exactly 12 times. He's an okay looking guy (kinda cute) with really short black hair and brown eyes and he's pretty tall. Anyway, it seems like he's allergic to something in our second period algebra class. Ugh, it's to bad I sit in front of him and couldn't see any of them. sadsmiley.gif So anyway, the sneezes.

The first two happened on Monday. They were spaced out, around ten minutes apart, and were pretty wet sounding. Sorta like "uh-Ptshiuu!......eh-Heptsch-uh!" The next day he sneezed six times. The second came around 2 mins later followed by a half-stifled third and a loud and wet fourth. Then around 10 mins later he sneezed again twice. It was like "heh-Etshch!.... eh-Entchuu! Etchsh! huh-KSHHiuu!.......eh-Hepshah! Hntshch!" Then today he sneezed four times rapid-fire like "Insh! Enshch! Esh! Heptsh!" And then his sniffled a lot afterwards. drool.gif

Then in my fourth period class we got a new student teacher who is really cute (tall, nicely styled dark brown/black hair, deep brown eyes, good build)! I was at my desk (he was right behind me) and we were watching a video when he sneezed a really deep "Hetsh!" that was sorta stifled because he didn't want to disrupt the class. wub.png

Later that day I got one sneeze from this guy N who's really tall and has adorable dimples. It was really loud like "HEPtshah!" The final two sneezes were from this guy B (not very tall, but blonde with blue eyes and glasses; he has a very nerdy charm that's kinda adorable). They were both into his elbow and I sit right next to him so I got to watch the whole thing. First, he blinked a couple of times, then he started to rub his nose with the back of his hand. There was no audible hitching but I could see the way he was breathing. He hitched for like 5 seconds then he sneezed twice into his elbow like "uh-Hntsh! Eshiuu!"

Well guys, all in all, these past three days have been sneezerific! heart.gif

BYE! bleh.gif

Edited by obsessed
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Boy... you really made out there w/ the obs. :) And I'm so glad that I'm not the only person who has kept track over multiple days. (I *may* have done this during the semester that I was student teaching and had a cute male teacher that I was working with). :blushing::ninja::bag:

Btw- teacher obs.... Mmmmmm.... :wub: (ok... student teacher- but close enough)

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I may have also been one of those kids in school who, um, kept track of her favorite sneezy boys in a notebook. Ahem.

Lovely, though, thank you for sharing!

Edited by Sneesee
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I used to write "Sneezing Diary" when I was in 5th grade. :)

And thank you for sharing this. Lucky girl!

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kept track of her favorite sneezy boys in a notebook

I have done this with sneezy girls.

We're either very sad or very committed

PS or both

PPS or perhaps we SHOULD be committed.....

Edited by Joal 555
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Today I got 5 more sneezes from A. Three of them were in Algebra. The first one was sorta wet sounding and then he paused, hitched for a second and then sneezed two rapid-fire like "Eh-Ptshchiuu!..uh....Heh-Eptsh! Ishtch-ah!" Then later in Science he sneezed to rapid-fire half-stifles. "Uh-Ktsh! Ptch!"

I also got two sneezes from this guy N (about my height of 5'4", short, styled blonde hair, bright blue eyes; he's kinda cute but my friend is totally obsessed with him right now and don't have a chance anyway) in my second period. They were really close together with a slight hitch in between them and fairly dry. "Heptch!..heh..Ptshch-ah!"

Probably more to come! :D

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Today I got 3 sneezes from A in English! The first two were rapid-fire and the third came after a small hitch. "Heh-Eptshch! Kntsh!.. uh.. Heptsh!"

Then I got one sneeze from this guy BL. He's 5'6", has blonde hair and blue eyes, and has a little bit of acne (but who doesn't? :blush: ). It was incredibly muffled into his elbow and kinda adorable. "Eh-Keptsh!" Also, after he sneezed my fried giggled at him a little and his ears turned pink (also adorable!). Yesterday he was coughing too so maybe he's getting sick! :D Yay!... (<- How sadistic am I? :lol: )

Okay, so I've noticed that it's getting kinda hard to follow the guys in my obs so I'm going to make a list of them. Then, when I write another ob about a new guy I'll post another updated list! This way it'll be easier to know who the guys are. :D Oh, and sorry if this ob sounds kinda hurried! Cuz' it kinda is. :)

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List of Sneezers (name abbreviation in bold, descriptions in italic)

A - He's an okay looking guy (kinda cute) with really short black hair and brown eyes and he's pretty tall.

NK (first ob N) - He has dirty blonde, spiked hair, is really tall and has adorable dimples.

ST (student teacher) - really cute, tall, nicely styled dark brown/black hair, deep brown eyes, good build

N - about my height of 5'4", short, styled blonde hair, bright blue eyes; he's kinda cute

B - not very tall, but blonde with blue eyes and glasses; he has a very nerdy charm that's kinda adorable

BL - He's 5'6", has blonde hair and blue eyes, and has a little bit of acne (but who doesn't? :blush: )

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