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Sneeze Fetish Forum

International Search Words


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Over some time, I have amassed a collection of useful search words, whilst looking for pictures/clips etc, and I wanted to share these with you.

These have been collected from Google Translate, primarily, but also from other sources and just websites where one link leads to another.

I have asked a moderator which forum this should go in, and we've agree this one.

I can't sat they they're going to be in any particular order, but I will separate them into languages and subjects. Some of the words will be duplicated as I separate them into languages.

Please feel free to add or correct any contributions.

These following words are all variations on "common cold"

verkoue nachlazení prehlada peršalimo Erkaltet


Enrhume, rhume простуда Raffreddore Forkølelse


Resfriado Común



prehlada nazeb nachlazení Nachladnutie megfázás

vanlig förkylning

傷風 Chinese

伤风 Chinese vilustuminen Finnish

nuhakuume Finnish

nuhakuume or nátha Hungarian

răceală Romanian простуда Russian

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kapesniky kapesnicky kapesniku Lencos lommetørklæde lommetørkle mendille burun mocador nenäliina Panuelos sakdoek shami hundësh Snotrag Stoffaschentucher Stofftaschentuch Taschentuch Taschentucher taskurätt vreckovku vreckovka Vreckovky Zakdoek zakdoekjes zsebkendő носна кърпичка 手帕 Schnupftuch saputangan nosinė chusteczka do nosa lenço носовой платок pañuelo näsduk Herrnäsdukar refredats

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French Words

Handkerchief Mouchoir

Sneeze v. Éternuer n. éternuement

Sneezing v. ternuer

Allergies allergie

Blow one's nose Se mouche Se Moucher

Hayfever rhume des foins allergie fleurs

tissues papiermouchoir

Common Cold Enrhume, rhume

Running nose Écoulement nasal

Pepper nose poivre nez

influenza same

Edited by Kleeny
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FYI: "verkoudheid" is the noun. "Verkouden" is the adjective/adverb.

(Also: this is incredibly weird, talking fetish in my own language. :lol: )

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Italian Words

Handkerchief Fazzoletto Fazzoletti Sneeze starnutire starnuto

Allergies allergia Blow one's nose soffia il naso soffiarse il naso Allergy allergia Hayfever allergia fiori

Raffreddore da fieno Common Cold Raffreddore

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allergy flowers= Allergi blomster Handkerchief = lommetørklæde Sneeze = Nyser Sneezing = Nysen Allergies = allergi

Hayfever = Hø feber Common Cold = Forkølelse Running nose = Rindende næse

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Handkerchief = Zakdoek or Zakdoekjes Sneeze = niezen Allergies = allergie or verhoogde or vatbaarheid Blow one's nose = neus snuiten tissues = zakdoekjes Common Cold = verkouden

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FYI: "verkoudheid" is the noun. "Verkouden" is the adjective/adverb.

(Also: this is incredibly weird, talking fetish in my own language. heh.gif )

Thank you, this is all helpful, keep the corrections and additions coming.

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allergy flowers = flores de alergia Handkerchief = pañuelo (although this can also me scarf?) Sneeze = estornudar and estornudo Sneezing = estornudos and Estornudando Allergies = Las alergias Blow one's nose = sonarse la nariz Allergy = alergia Hayfever = fiebre del heno tissues = pañuelo de papel Common Cold = Resfriado Común Runny Nose = nariz que moquea Pepper nose = Pimienta nariz influenza = gripe or influzenza Achoo = Achú

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Handkerchief = носовой платок Sneeze = чихать Sneezing = чихание Allergies = аллергии Blow one's nose = сморкаться Allergy = аллергия Hayfever = сенная лихорадка tissues = бумажный носовой платок Common Cold = простуда Running nose = Запуск нос Pepper nose = Перец нос influenza = инфлюэнца Runny nose? = Насморк высморкаться (ru) (výsm

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allergy flowers = alergije cvijeće Handkerchief = maramica Sneeze = kihnuti Sneezing = kihanje Allergies = alergije cvijeće Blow one's nose = puhati nos Allergy = alergija Hayfever = Peludna groznica tissues = maramica Common Cold = prehlada nazeb Runny Nose = Hunjavica influenza = gripa Flu/cold = PREHLADA/NAZEB

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allergy flowers = alergie květy Handkerchief = kapesník Sneeze = kýchnout and kýchnutí Sneezing = kýchání Allergies = alergie Blow one's nose = foukání nosem Hayfever = senná rýma tissues = papírový kapesník Common Cold = nachlazení Runny Nose = rýma Pepper nose = pepř influenza = chřipka

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allergy flowers = alergie kvety Handkerchief = vreckovku Sneeze = kýchnuť Sneezing = kýchanie Allergies = alergie Blow one's nose = rána nosa or fúkanie nosom Allergy = alergii Hayfever = senná nádcha tissues = vreckovky Common Cold = Nachladnutie Runny Nose = nádcha Pepper nose = korenie nosa influenza = chrípka tissue = vreckovka

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allergy flowers = allergi blommor Handkerchief = näsduk Sneeze = nysning Sneezing = nysningar Allergies = allergier Blow one's nose = blåsning näsa Hayfever = hösnuva tissues = papper Common Cold = vanlig förkylning Runny Nose = rinnande näsa sneeze = snyter

Edited by Kleeny
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Handkerchief = 手帕 Sneeze = 打喷嚏 or 喷嚏 or 喷嚏 Blow one's nose = 吹的鼻子 or 擤 or 吹鼻 or 擤鼻子 Hayfever = 花粉症 Common Cold = 普通感冒 Runny Nose = 流鼻涕

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Handkerchief = ハンカチ Sneeze = くしゃみ Sneezing = くしゃみ Blow one's nose = 鼻をかむ Hayfever =


Runny Nose =


tissue =

ティッシュ influenza = 流行性感冒

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allergy flowers = allergi blommor Handkerchief = näsduk Sneeze = nysning Sneezing = nysningar Allergies = allergier Blow one's nose = blåsning näsa Hayfever = hösnuva tissues = papper Common Cold = vanlig förkylning Runny Nose = rinnande näsa sneeze = snyter

Um... No. :laugh: Let me just...help you there -

"Allergy flowers", as in "flower allergy"? That would be "blomallergi", but that's not a word that's used very often, so I suggest using "pollenallergi" instead (pollen allergy). "Blow one's nose" is "snyta sig" and "tissues" is "pappersnäsdukar". "(To) sneeze" is "nysa".

And as always, writing fetishy words in my mother tongue feels extremely awkward. :laugh: But there you are!

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Chinese Handkerchief = 手帕 Sneeze = 打喷嚏 or 喷嚏 or 喷嚏 Blow one's nose = 吹的鼻子 or 擤 or 吹鼻 or 擤鼻子 Hayfever = 花粉症 Common Cold = 普通感冒 Runny Nose = 流鼻涕

Hmm. I think “吹的鼻子” would mean to literally blow through one's nose, not to actually "blow one's nose". So if you used that search term stuff like "blowing up a balloon with my nose" or "blowing a harmonica with my nose" would come up. but the others should be fine. :)

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Allow me to help with the Japanese side of things a bit :)

ハンカチ, while derived from handkerchief, is never actually used for nose blowing. Japan is strictly tissue-only.

Influenza is more commonly called インフルエンザ in casual conversation.

A cold is 風邪、a general allergy is アレルギー. Semi-related, an allergen is アレルゲン, and another good allergen to know is dust(埃)

My favorite kanji ever, 熱、means fever. Pretty fun stuff.

I've never really searched for fetish material in other languages...maybe I should give it a shot :)

If I think of more I guess I'll come back and post...

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here's a few more for chinese:

common cold is 感冒 in mandarin but 傷風 in cantonese.

allergic to (something) is 對(insert allergen)敏感

dust 塵 pollen 花粉 animal fur 動物皮毛

allergic rhinitis is 鼻敏感

fever 發熱 or 發燒

*Sigh* chinese is one of the foreign languages that i'm fluent in, but sadly, there are very few fetish-related material. google produces medical articles, google images has basically the same pics as when searching for them in english. And don't even bother to check youtube. there're only videos teaching people about how to deal with hayfever and the like, and the closest thing to actual sneezing is the infamous panda :D

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Excellent, thank you for your clarifications. Google Translate is great, but limited, and there's no substitute for someone actually speaking the language.

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Some words don't have definitions

Erkaltet = cold

Erkaltung = common cold

hatschi =hatschi

heuschnupfen = hay fever

Nase Putzen = blowing your nose

Nase Putzt = Cleans nose


Pfeffer = pepper

schnäuzen = snuff

Schneuzen = blowing nose

schnieft = sniffles

schnupfa = schnupfa


schnupftabak = snuff


sich die nase


Taschentuch = handkerchief

Taschentucher = handkerchiefs



schneuzen = sneeze

schnäuzen = snuff


Heuschnupfenzeit = hay fever season

Edited by Kleeny
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allergy flowers = allergi blommor Handkerchief = näsduk Sneeze = nysning Sneezing = nysningar Allergies = allergier Blow one's nose = blåsning näsa Hayfever = hösnuva tissues = papper Common Cold = vanlig förkylning Runny Nose = rinnande näsa sneeze = snyter

Um... No. :laugh: Let me just...help you there -

"Allergy flowers", as in "flower allergy"? That would be "blomallergi", but that's not a word that's used very often, so I suggest using "pollenallergi" instead (pollen allergy). "Blow one's nose" is "snyta sig" and "tissues" is "pappersnäsdukar". "(To) sneeze" is "nysa".

And as always, writing fetishy words in my mother tongue feels extremely awkward. :laugh: But there you are!

...And for some reason, more exciting, or is it just me? (;

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