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New job comes with interesting (and extremely messy) side effects


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I got a new job not long ago. Without going into too much detail.... I work in a store that sells hardware and animal feed. It's a small store in a safe neighborhood and I work the evening shifts... so it's slow during my shifts and in August, with everyone on vacation or the weather just wrong for hobbyists, there have been times I've spent the last three hours or more of my shift without a single person coming into the store.

Last night was one of those nights, and it's a damn good thing it was. We sell lots of dry seed which is packaged tightly to keep out moths and rodents, but there's still a lot of risidual dust. I've had a few instances of it getting to me and producing doubles or triples, but last night it finally happened....

I came in to work my shift just as they were finishing unloading a huge shipment of seed. I wasn't really expecting anything to be different, and it took about half an hour or so for the dust from the seed bags to start bothering me.

I thought at first that it was just going to be the usual couple of sneezes.... nothing I needed to worry about. Having no work to do in the shop except the usual tidying up I do at the end of the day -- still hours away -- I had a book to read and saw no reason to interrupt my reading. At first.

For a few minutes, I could start to feel my nose filling up and I was sniffling now and then. That was annoying.... I grabbed a paper towel from under the register "just in case" and kept reading.

The first sneeze was as sudden as it was violent and took me completely off guard. I just sniffed quietly when suddenly, with no pause at all, the sniff turned into a gasp and a desperate "HRAAh-AITSCHEWWWW!" I'd instinctively clamped the paper towel over my nose when it came, which turned out to be a fortunate instinct because that massive sneeze was followed by two more just like it. "AAAAAHTSCHKKKK! hhh... HAH-AITSHOOOW!"

As violent as it was, a triple like that wasn't something that had never happened to me before in the shop. I put my book down and blew my nose, but decided it was something I could really use a trip to the bathroom for, if only because I didn't want to be sitting there trying to clear out my flooding nose (which I somehow didn't take note of as unusual at the time) if a customer walked in.

My breath was already hitching again by the time I walked through the back room, and another two sneezes exploded into my slightly overused paper towel as I closed the bathroom door. Feeling more to come, I quickly just ditched the paper towel from up front and grabbed a handful of much softer toilet paper just in time to catch an abrupt and surprising onset of extremely messy sneezes. The first two I let loose into the toilet paper left me time in between to blow, but the time I spent folding more toilet paper gearing up for yet another was the last time I'd be able to take a breather, so to speak, for a little while.

The next sneezes came fast and harsh. "HAHISHH! ISHIEW! AHHH...HATCHOU! heh-ISHHH! ISHEW! ACHEWWWW!" I lost count after six, but it kept on like that for I'd guess at least ten more before I was able to stop and catch my breath and go through several handfuls of folded toilet paper, my breath hitching dangerously from time to time between blows. By then, I'd given up and sat down on the floor, which is kept very clean in my shop, fortunately.

Oh, except for the moth balls. And the dust built up in the corners. Both of which had me freaking ERUPTING sneezes into my lap in under a minute. I grabbed as many sheets of toilet paper as I could but in the end I was at the mercy of my nose, which was indeed a vengeful god that evening. The fit was completely uncontrollable and very, very messy. I would guess my nose produced about 25 or so desperate explosions before I was able to start stifling them back enough to clean myself up a little. It was not an easy task exactly unrolling more and more toilet paper to wipe off my hands and face between sneezes I was by then INCREDIBLY determined to hold back, resulting in much quieter "hh... heaaah.... hah-TCHSS!" sneezes escaping much less frequently and thankfully much less messily.

I stayed sitting on the floor until the fit ran its course. Luckily I never heard the little bell that announces to anyone in the back room that a customer had come into the shop. Finally, FINALLY I decided it was safe to go back to my spot behind the counter, bringing a stack of folded toilet paper sheets with me because my nose was still stuffy and had a hint of a tickle and the toilet paper is so much easier on my nose than paper towels.

I continued to absolutely HAVE to blow my nose regularly for the rest of the night. A few more times that night, I had to sneeze again... fortunately, mostly just doubles.... unfortunately, all the same volcanic sneezes that had forced me into the back room earlier, making me worry every time that this might be another fit on the scale of the first one. It never was, but once, the tickle seized me while I was far away from any paper towels or my stack of toilet paper "tissues." My nose filled up almost instantly as the tickle grew, so in one of the stranger (and stupider) approaches to a sudden sneezing fit I've ever resorted to, I knelt down where I was beside one of the wood palettes we stack seed on to keep it off the floor as if I was looking for something I dropped and quickly cupped my hands around my nose as I angled it downwards through the separations between the wood strips. The three sneezes that followed were as messy as any had been, but I still wonder what the heck I was thinking when I decided to try to sneeze into the wood palettes like that. It only made matters messier and probably stirred up more dust. It certainly seemed as if from that point on, I almost always had to have a couple of squares of toilet paper to my nose, either trying to pinch back more sneezes, or clear out the endless congestion.

I started to feel better very quickly after leaving work. I'm actually STILL constantly slightly stuffy and I seem to be on a schedule now where I have to sneeze every 45 minutes or so once my nose gets tired of being stuffed up... The good news is I'm able to stifle these. For me, that actually means the... tissue-requiring repercussions... are ultimately a lot worse, but it's a lot more controllable. And I find I don't really mind as much now that I have real tissues on hand.

Since I'm rarely working delivery days, I doubt this will be something that happens again with any regularity, but I've stuffed my backpack full of pocket-tissue packs and stashed a bottle of Claratin in the back room all the same.

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I got a new job not long ago. Without going into too much detail.... I work in a store that sells hardware and animal feed. It's a small store in a safe neighborhood and I work the evening shifts... so it's slow during my shifts and in August, with everyone on vacation or the weather just wrong for hobbyists, there have been times I've spent the last three hours or more of my shift without a single person coming into the store.

Last night was one of those nights, and it's a damn good thing it was. We sell lots of dry seed which is packaged tightly to keep out moths and rodents, but there's still a lot of risidual dust. I've had a few instances of it getting to me and producing doubles or triples, but last night it finally happened....

I came in to work my shift just as they were finishing unloading a huge shipment of seed. I wasn't really expecting anything to be different, and it took about half an hour or so for the dust from the seed bags to start bothering me.

I thought at first that it was just going to be the usual couple of sneezes.... nothing I needed to worry about. Having no work to do in the shop except the usual tidying up I do at the end of the day -- still hours away -- I had a book to read and saw no reason to interrupt my reading. At first.

For a few minutes, I could start to feel my nose filling up and I was sniffling now and then. That was annoying.... I grabbed a paper towel from under the register "just in case" and kept reading.

The first sneeze was as sudden as it was violent and took me completely off guard. I just sniffed quietly when suddenly, with no pause at all, the sniff turned into a gasp and a desperate "HRAAh-AITSCHEWWWW!" I'd instinctively clamped the paper towel over my nose when it came, which turned out to be a fortunate instinct because that massive sneeze was followed by two more just like it. "AAAAAHTSCHKKKK! hhh... HAH-AITSHOOOW!"

As violent as it was, a triple like that wasn't something that had never happened to me before in the shop. I put my book down and blew my nose, but decided it was something I could really use a trip to the bathroom for, if only because I didn't want to be sitting there trying to clear out my flooding nose (which I somehow didn't take note of as unusual at the time) if a customer walked in.

My breath was already hitching again by the time I walked through the back room, and another two sneezes exploded into my slightly overused paper towel as I closed the bathroom door. Feeling more to come, I quickly just ditched the paper towel from up front and grabbed a handful of much softer toilet paper just in time to catch an abrupt and surprising onset of extremely messy sneezes. The first two I let loose into the toilet paper left me time in between to blow, but the time I spent folding more toilet paper gearing up for yet another was the last time I'd be able to take a breather, so to speak, for a little while.

The next sneezes came fast and harsh. "HAHISHH! ISHIEW! AHHH...HATCHOU! heh-ISHHH! ISHEW! ACHEWWWW!" I lost count after six, but it kept on like that for I'd guess at least ten more before I was able to stop and catch my breath and go through several handfuls of folded toilet paper, my breath hitching dangerously from time to time between blows. By then, I'd given up and sat down on the floor, which is kept very clean in my shop, fortunately.

Oh, except for the moth balls. And the dust built up in the corners. Both of which had me freaking ERUPTING sneezes into my lap in under a minute. I grabbed as many sheets of toilet paper as I could but in the end I was at the mercy of my nose, which was indeed a vengeful god that evening. The fit was completely uncontrollable and very, very messy. I would guess my nose produced about 25 or so desperate explosions before I was able to start stifling them back enough to clean myself up a little. It was not an easy task exactly unrolling more and more toilet paper to wipe off my hands and face between sneezes I was by then INCREDIBLY determined to hold back, resulting in much quieter "hh... heaaah.... hah-TCHSS!" sneezes escaping much less frequently and thankfully much less messily.

I stayed sitting on the floor until the fit ran its course. Luckily I never heard the little bell that announces to anyone in the back room that a customer had come into the shop. Finally, FINALLY I decided it was safe to go back to my spot behind the counter, bringing a stack of folded toilet paper sheets with me because my nose was still stuffy and had a hint of a tickle and the toilet paper is so much easier on my nose than paper towels.

I continued to absolutely HAVE to blow my nose regularly for the rest of the night. A few more times that night, I had to sneeze again... fortunately, mostly just doubles.... unfortunately, all the same volcanic sneezes that had forced me into the back room earlier, making me worry every time that this might be another fit on the scale of the first one. It never was, but once, the tickle seized me while I was far away from any paper towels or my stack of toilet paper "tissues." My nose filled up almost instantly as the tickle grew, so in one of the stranger (and stupider) approaches to a sudden sneezing fit I've ever resorted to, I knelt down where I was beside one of the wood palettes we stack seed on to keep it off the floor as if I was looking for something I dropped and quickly cupped my hands around my nose as I angled it downwards through the separations between the wood strips. The three sneezes that followed were as messy as any had been, but I still wonder what the heck I was thinking when I decided to try to sneeze into the wood palettes like that. It only made matters messier and probably stirred up more dust. It certainly seemed as if from that point on, I almost always had to have a couple of squares of toilet paper to my nose, either trying to pinch back more sneezes, or clear out the endless congestion.

I started to feel better very quickly after leaving work. I'm actually STILL constantly slightly stuffy and I seem to be on a schedule now where I have to sneeze every 45 minutes or so once my nose gets tired of being stuffed up... The good news is I'm able to stifle these. For me, that actually means the... tissue-requiring repercussions... are ultimately a lot worse, but it's a lot more controllable. And I find I don't really mind as much now that I have real tissues on hand.

Since I'm rarely working delivery days, I doubt this will be something that happens again with any regularity, but I've stuffed my backpack full of pocket-tissue packs and stashed a bottle of Claratin in the back room all the same.

Sounds like someone needs to take a hanky to work..

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WOW!! Really, wow! shocking.gif

The thought of you sitting, collapsed on the bathroom floor just exploding with these sneezes is outrageously hot! And this

I knelt down where I was beside one of the wood palettes we stack seed on to keep it off the floor as if I was looking for something I dropped and quickly cupped my hands around my nose as I angled it downwards through the separations between the wood strips.

is absolutely brilliant as well. And I don't even know why! It's different, it's exciting, I love it! heh.gif Definitely one of my favourite observations in ages. Super sexy scenario, brilliantly written. I've got nothing but compliments DublinShadow, great stuff. biggrin.png

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Sounds like someone needs to take a hanky to work..

or twelve...

do you have any?

Unfortunately not. Could use one right now though, I hate this cold.

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Sounds like someone needs to take a hanky to work..

or twelve...

do you have any?

Unfortunately not. Could use one right now though, I hate this cold.

you should get some.. they're much better than tissues :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

DublinShadow, this in wonderful, and your wavs on youtube are simply fantastic. Thanks a lot for sharing this with us! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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