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Um. So. It’s weird, but whatever. I thought I’d post it before deleting from my files;)


Dean is just hanging up the phone after ordering a pizza when Sam comes in. He has one hand cupped over his mouth and nose, and he leans back against the door after he closes it, groaning before he snaps forward with a couple of sneezes.


“Bless you.” Dean frowns and stands up. “You okay?”

“I walked through the park…hh-HTCHshuh! Today and a-a-appahhh-hhSHOO! Apparently it’s allergy season already. Hhh…” Sam shoves the heel of his hand under his nose as another sneeze approaches. “God, there were so many people…people…pehhhh…”

The harder Sam tries to fight it, to keep speaking, the bigger the itch in his nose grows. Dean knows that if he doesn’t get Sam’s mind off of sneezing soon, he’ll be at it all night.

“They were all snehhhhhhHTCHSHshoo!”

“Damn, bless you.” Dean grabs a handful of Kleenex from the box on the nightstand and hands them to Sam. “Blow your nose. Pizza should be here in a few minutes, if you want to get washed up?”

Sam swipes a tear from his eye and nods, blowing his nose on his way to the bathroom. Dean can hear him sneeze a few times, and scrubs a hand over his face. Sometimes, when Sam gets like this, taking Benadryl helps, but Dean doesn’t want to give him anything he doesn’t have to.

The pizza’s delivered by the time Sam comes out, so they sit at the table to eat, Sam pulling his laptop in front of him. His nose is pink from rubbing it, eyes a little watery. He takes a few bites, absently reading through something on his computer while Dean watches him out of the corner of his eye.

Hhnngh.” Sam’s breath hitches into a low whining sound as he’s suddenly overcome with another imaginary tickle. He presses the palm of his hand to his mouth and tries to keep his eyes on the computer screen, but Dean can see it’s a struggle.

Hihh! OhGod.”

He’s pinching his nose now, pizza and laptop both abandoned, eyelashes fluttering. Tears leak from the corners of his eyes as his breath hitches.


He’s trying so hard not to sneeze, holding his breath when he can catch it.


Dean sighs and leans forward to tug Sam’s hands away from his face.

“Just sneeze already, Sammy,” he says, and Sam nods helplessly before launching into a fit.


Sam stands and stumbles toward the nightstand between the beds, reaching blindly for it until his fingers close around the box of Kleenex. He sinks onto his bed, sneezing and sniffling and looking rather miserable.

Dean sighs again, then goes into the bathroom for the Benadryl from their first aid kit. When he comes back out, Sam is sprawled on his back, one arm over his eyes, bare chest heaving like he’s just gone for a run. He moves his arm when Dean settles on the end of the bed and sniffles.

Dean hands him a glass of water and the medicine, which he takes quickly before sneezing again.

HtchSHUH! Ugh.”

Dean gives his foot a squeeze.

“That should kick in soon. Take it easy, okay?”

Sam, flushed and still sniffling, lowers his eyes.

“I should look for a job. We’re-”

“No,” Dean interrupts, standing. He grabs the remote and tosses it in Sam’s lap. “You should find us something to watch.”

Sam’s mouth twitches into a half-smile before he buries one last loud sneeze into his sleeve.


“Bless you.”

Dean grabs the pizza box from the table and nudges Sam over until there’s enough room on the bed for both of them.

“Hey, none of that boring History Channel crap, okay?”

This time, Sam’s smile stretches across his entire face.



Sam sneezes when he thinks about sneezing or sees/hears someone else sneezing.

ETA: version two is posted on the adult stories board http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=47581

Edited by 27jaredjensen
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Wow, this is really cool ;) They should've let you write the episodes instead :)

Dean sighs and leans forward to tug Sam’s hands away from his face. “Just sneeze already, Sammy,”

Best part ^^

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Ok it's official, I SERIOUSLY NEED TO WATCH SUPERNATURAL! There are so many fics on here and I think I'll appreciate them more if I have a better idea of the characters. Omg I loved this!!!worshippy.gif

Wow, this is really cool wink.png They should've let you write the episodes instead smile.png

Dean sighs and leans forward to tug Sam’s hands away from his face. “Just sneeze already, Sammy,”

Best part ^^

Agreed! Damn I wish I was over 18 to read the adult version too sadsmiley.gif

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Ohhhh my goodness this is precious. :wub: I love how you spell his sneezes. Dean is so sweet, taking care of him. <3

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Wow, this is really cool wink.png They should've let you write the episodes instead smile.png

Dean sighs and leans forward to tug Sam’s hands away from his face. “Just sneeze already, Sammy,”

Best part ^^

haha, thank you!

Of course post the 18+ version. Omg, I love this. Ditto on my favorite part.

okay! thank you:)

Ok it's official, I SERIOUSLY NEED TO WATCH SUPERNATURAL! There are so many fics on here and I think I'll appreciate them more if I have a better idea of the characters. Omg I loved this!!!worshippy.gif

Wow, this is really cool wink.png They should've let you write the episodes instead smile.png

Dean sighs and leans forward to tug Sam’s hands away from his face. “Just sneeze already, Sammy,”

Best part ^^

Agreed! Damn I wish I was over 18 to read the adult version too sadsmiley.gif

watch the show!! it is FANTASTIC

*Raises arm* Is interested.

Hee! I love this.

thanks bb!

Ohhhh my goodness this is precious. wub.png I love how you spell his sneezes. Dean is so sweet, taking care of him. <3

oh man, thank you so much!

Oh this was just great!

thank you thank you!

I will be posting the other version in the adult board :)

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Awww... foot squeeze! This was adorable!! And sneezy Sammy is my favorite in the world! I like the idea of him sneezing when he thinks about other people sneezing. <3Thank you!

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