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Sneeze Fetish Forum

"Just my stupid allergies"


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This is my first fic, so please go easy on me :)

-Disclaimer: All characters are property of JK Rowling-

Hermione sighed where she sat bent over a thick book of defensive magic in the Hogwarts library. She must've read the same passage 5 or 6 times, but she just couldn't seem to focus. It seemed since Victor Krum had arrived at the school the amount of perfume worn by the girls had multiplied.

Even now he sat a few shelves away with a group of the perfume-covered girls surrounding him. She felt the familiar tickle in her nose, but rubbed it firmly. She was determined to finnish her essay before dinner.

If attacked by a *sniff* non-verbal spell, there is *sniff* little chance to defend *sniff* oneself.

As she wiped a tear from her eye with her hand she felt the tickle growing stronger.She closed her eyes and breathed heavily "Ah... ah... Ahheh-choo!" she caught the sneeze in her cupped hands.

She quickly closed her book and started packing up. She knew that if it'd gotten to this point there were more sneezes to come and she was not about to have a fit in the quiet library.

She had barely shut the door before she was bent douple by another set of sneezes.

"Heh-choo! Heh-choo! Ahe-choo!!"

"Blimey Hermione, are you okay?" Ron was sitting opposite her in the corridor, playing with the new Zonkos product.

She blushed. "Yeah. *sniff* It's just my stupid allergies." She mumbled.

"Oh." Ron looked concerned. "Do you need a tissue?"

Her blush grew darker. "It's okay,*sniff* I've got it." She dug through her bag and pulled out a pack of cleenex.

She wiped her nose with one, which only seemed to trigger further sneezing. She held the tissue over her mouth and nose as she let out a muffled "Kk-cheww! Kk-cheww! K-kk-cheww!"

She folded the tissue in half and blew her nose deeply. She sighed. "I wish that Krum would leave the school already."

"Yeah." Ron nodded seriously. "Me too."

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Too cute! I love Ron's little comment at the end ;) I'm happy to see more HP fic!

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Hooray for Hermione. We all know instinctively that she must have hay fever, so thanks for proving us right.

And welcome to the forum.

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Hooray for Hermione. We all know instinctively that she must have hay fever, so thanks for proving us right.

And welcome to the forum.

Actually it's the perfume she's allergic to. But I'm sure she's got hayfever too ;) Anyhow, thanks :)

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