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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Am I the only one...?

Graham Cracked

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I couldn't find any topic about this already, but...it's something that's been coming out of me again. I think it might have been a sort of sub to my sneeze fetish, but it still effects me probably just as much...it's weird how I'm actually embarrassed to ask about this, but...

Does anyone else out there have a tickle fetish?

It's probably much more common than ours, and I'm not entirely sure which one started first for me. It's just something I can't help but love to watch and take a part of. :blushing:

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Not a honest-to-gawsh fetish, but I'm somewhat turned on by tickling as well. I think it fits in with the whole 'helplessness' theme.

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*Gradually puts my hand up* G-Guilty! :B

I had thought about if these fetishes were somehow connected together.

I find that the tickle fetish is much more sexual for me, and also I DO NOT like being tickled myself, so the fetish is kinda tainted for me. Which is probably why I like the sneeze fetish a lot more. The sneeze fetish is a lot more sentimental? for me. That, and I've known I like sneezing all my life, and with tickling I have only gradually come to like it. :)

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Tickling fetish? don't make me laugh...........

Just joking. I don't personally have this, but I can't see any reason to be embarrassed about it. It's no more or less strange than any other fetish


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I'm on the fence with this one. I like the 'loss of control' tickling brings - the squirming, the laughter, the flailing limbs that accidentally punch you in the face. :laugh: I do enjoy the image of someone having their wrists and ankles shackled, so that they can't move, while someone else tickles them. Of course, they'd have to tickle their nose first. :twisted:

But yes. I feel you on this, Oina! :hug:

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I do! Its my other main fetish. though I only seem to like it if somone is being tickled and trying not to laugh. especially if they are making goofy faces.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do. I discovered my like for tickling around the same time I discovered my like for sneezing.

Those are two of three main fetishes for me. The third fetish is in no way related to sneezing in any way whatsoever.

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*Gradually puts my hand up* G-Guilty! :B

I had thought about if these fetishes were somehow connected together.

I find that the tickle fetish is much more sexual for me, and also I DO NOT like being tickled myself, so the fetish is kinda tainted for me. Which is probably why I like the sneeze fetish a lot more. The sneeze fetish is a lot more sentimental? for me. That, and I've known I like sneezing all my life, and with tickling I have only gradually come to like it. smile.png

I MUST know.....which DW episode is your alskdjfwaoieh signature from???

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i dont get turned on by it, but i do enjoy being tickled to a moderate extent; not especially seeing others get tickled though..

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Oh hi! Sort of late to this party, but I didn't see this thread before I started my own on the same topic! Anyway, glad to see more tickling enthusiasts on this board :) Most tickling people define themselves as more ler (tickler) or lee (ticklee)--I wonder, which is more appealing for you?

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