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yo spoida


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Your art is beautiful and you are beautiful and you and your art's beauty overwhelms me to such a degree that I must declare it from the rooftops so all may know of your beauty and join me in singing of it across the land.

I am awed by the greatness that is your art. Never stop being amazing clap.gif

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I concur wholeheartedly with everything that Pilgrim just said. :D

Seriously missy, you have such great talent. Please keep doing what you're doing. You're such fun to talk to and your art is just asdfghjkl awesome. Thanks so much for everything you've done, especially inspiring me (and several others 'round here) to explore and grow as artists, fetish or no fetish. :)

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Oh, God. Can I hop aboard the spoider love train, too? 29n6ws8.gif

Spoider, you are just AMAZING, darling. I can't describe how much your art makes me happy. Like, every time I see something new from you I get this giddy feeling in my heart. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. hug.gif

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I haven't posted in months. I revive myself with this message:

Spoider, your style is unique and awesome and your subject matter... likewise ;) Everything these guys said, basically :)

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Oh, I agree with everything already said!

Spoider, we've never actually really talked, but you seem like such a glorious person and your art is brilliant. Never change, you're perfect! c:

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I'm shocked that there hasn't been a Kudos! topic for spoider yet? Unless this is another one, and if so, you totally deserve multiple! :D I don't think I could have said it better than Pilgrim said it. :laugh: You draw amazing stuff, you draw a lot of it, and you're just a freaking awesome person.

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Hear hear! :yes: Three cheers for our spoider, who is a true Artist of Awesome. Way to go Pilgrim for giving credit where credit is overdue! :D

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People all over the world, start a love train! A Spoider love train! YEAH YEAH!

You are a lovely talent and great member of our little SFF world! <3

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Spoider is a really amazingly talented artist, and let's face it her ideas for artwork just get better and better! [And naughtier and naughtier too!] And let's not forget, she has also ptoduced some really excellent and surreal sneezevids.....wait a moment, they seem to have been taken down. Might this be a celebratory moment to reinstate them?

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Oh yes - must add my piece to the praise-pile for spoider :D Your artwork is consistantly superb, unique and thrilling to open when I see you have uploaded something new. Thank you!

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I have to jump on this spoider love train.

You have an amazing art style that I just love to see. Every time I see you post something new I jump for joy. You draw both human and anthro characters and facial expressions beautifully.

I hope one day you will let me commission you again. <3

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