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The sneeze potion


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It was friday afternoon and their last class of the week; potion with the ravenclaws.

Harry sat, as usual, next to Ron, trying to make a teeth whitening potion.

"Hey, your potion looks kinda pale. The book says it's supposed to be a deep green by now." Commented Ron, whose own potion had a strange tone of purple.

Harry grinned big and showed Ron something under the table. "It's the latest from Zonkos, Instant Sneezing Powder. One teaspoon and you'll be sneezing uncontrollably for half an hour. If Snape tastes this, he'll be sneezing his head off in front of the entire class!"

Rons face lit up. "That's bloody brilliant!"


Snape leaned over Harrys cauldron and smelled the fumes. His face turned to suspicion and he called out to the back of the class.

"Chang! Taste Harrys potion!"

Harry watched with fear and shame as Cho walked up to him and drank a spoonful of his work.

Almost emidiately her face twisted in an unmistakable pre-sneeze expression.

"Hah.. hah.. hh-chuu!" Her sneeze was high-pitched and feminine. It had caught her off guard and was uncovered. She barely had time to catch her breath before three more escaped her. "Hah..ha-chuu! Hh-chuu! Hh-chuu!" Her small frame jerked forward with every sneeze, her hands covering her mouth and nose.

Snape smirked. "Let this be a lesson to you Potter." he mumbled so that only Harry and Ron could hear it. Harry blushed.

Chos face was growing red as well. "What's.. hh-chuu! going on-hhcuuu!" She looked helplessly from Harry to Snape for an answer. "I... hh-chuu! can't stop... hh-chuu! sneezing... hh-chuu!"

Her eyes were tearing up now and she looked embarresed and miserable. All eyes where on her as she exploded in a new set of sneezes, more violent than before. "Hae-chuu! Hae-chuu! Hae-chuu! Hae-chuu! Hae-chuu!"

Harry felt very guilty, but couldn't help but notice how cute and helpless Cho looked when she sneezed. A part of him did not want her to stop.

"Hh...hh..." She was breathing hard, struggling to hold the sneeze back, but was forced to surrender. "Hhng-chuu!" She sneezed uncovered, and quickly returned her hands to her face. "Ha-chuu! Ha-chuu!"

"Alright, that's enough!" Snape called. "Miss Brown! Take miss Chang to the hospital wing! Potter, three weeks of detention!"

Somehow, Harry thought, it had been worth it.

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I think Zonko's Instant Sneezing Powder needs to make a return appearance...

Oh yes. :yes:

And the story is great, too!

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Wonderful! I've always wondered why there is so little magical sneezing in HPfics; for one thing it seems such an obvious source of extreme sneezing. And I have been thinking of various Cho fics for years, partly because it is apparent to me that many of her main scenes are sneezing scenes from which JKR has inexplicably cut the sneeziness......

In fact the name Cho is clearly a nickname bestowed by her grateful friends to imitate her sneeze-sound. [ nicknames being common where a real Chinese name proves too complicated for the English tongue....]

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In fact the name Cho is clearly a nickname bestowed by her grateful friends to imitate her sneeze-sound.

That makes so much sense, why didn't I see that! xD And since Chang is chinese for 'often', she must be sneezing quite a lot! :P

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Sorry for the bump, but I just saw this story for the first time now and it is, in a word, awesome! Loved it! Thanks for writing :)

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Nice story. I really enjoyed the description of Cho's sneezing fit.

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  • 4 years later...
On 8/31/2012 at 5:13 AM, Lime said:

It was friday afternoon and their last class of the week; potion with the ravenclaws.

Harry sat, as usual, next to Ron, trying to make a teeth whitening potion.

"Hey, your potion looks kinda pale. The book says it's supposed to be a deep green by now." Commented Ron, whose own potion had a strange tone of purple.

Harry grinned big and showed Ron something under the table. "It's the latest from Zonkos, Instant Sneezing Powder. One teaspoon and you'll be sneezing uncontrollably for half an hour. If Snape tastes this, he'll be sneezing his head off in front of the entire class!"

Rons face lit up. "That's bloody brilliant!"


Snape leaned over Harrys cauldron and smelled the fumes. His face turned to suspicion and he called out to the back of the class.

"Chang! Taste Harrys potion!"

Harry watched with fear and shame as Cho walked up to him and drank a spoonful of his work.

Almost emidiately her face twisted in an unmistakable pre-sneeze expression.

"Hah.. hah.. hh-chuu!" Her sneeze was high-pitched and feminine. It had caught her off guard and was uncovered. She barely had time to catch her breath before three more escaped her. "Hah..ha-chuu! Hh-chuu! Hh-chuu!" Her small frame jerked forward with every sneeze, her hands covering her mouth and nose.

Snape smirked. "Let this be a lesson to you Potter." he mumbled so that only Harry and Ron could hear it. Harry blushed.

Chos face was growing red as well. "What's.. hh-chuu! going on-hhcuuu!" She looked helplessly from Harry to Snape for an answer. "I... hh-chuu! can't stop... hh-chuu! sneezing... hh-chuu!"

Her eyes were tearing up now and she looked embarresed and miserable. All eyes where on her as she exploded in a new set of sneezes, more violent than before. "Hae-chuu! Hae-chuu! Hae-chuu! Hae-chuu! Hae-chuu!"

Harry felt very guilty, but couldn't help but notice how cute and helpless Cho looked when she sneezed. A part of him did not want her to stop.

"Hh...hh..." She was breathing hard, struggling to hold the sneeze back, but was forced to surrender. "Hhng-chuu!" She sneezed uncovered, and quickly returned her hands to her face. "Ha-chuu! Ha-chuu!"

"Alright, that's enough!" Snape called. "Miss Brown! Take miss Chang to the hospital wing! Potter, three weeks of detention!"

Somehow, Harry thought, it had been worth it.

Aww. I was hoping Snape would fall for it. Good story none the less. :)

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