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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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Nice commercial, I like it much better than the silly cartoon characters they were using in their commercials. I also like the line at the end, "seize every day . . .", I could have sworn they said "sneeze every day" the first time I viewed it.

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In the earliest days of Puffs they used to have commerciasl where the theme was "feel good?...do it again" A woman would sneeze grab a puffs and the announcer would say that theme and then she would sneeze again into a tissue. Great ads. They also had ads where several women would sneeze and in turn pass the Puffs around as each sneezed. Wish those were on Youtube.

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They also had ads where several women would sneeze and in turn pass the Puffs around as each sneezed. Wish those were on Youtube.

Those must be found! :o Challenge accepted!

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