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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The great tissue


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Not sure this counts as obs... just thought it was kinda funny :)

So I was at the dentist yesterday. In the waiting room they had a TV showing the Hello Kitty cartoon, but I wasn't paying much attention to it as I was reading.

Suddenly though my eyes became very focused on the screen as they zoomed in on a tissue. It covered the whole screen and was probably the prettiest tissue I've seen. It was white with lace around the edges and embroidered flowers in the corner.

"So what are you going to do with your tissue?" one of the characters said in her high-pitched cartoon voice.

What kind of question is that? I thought. She's going to blow her nose of course. Right? Right?


She just transformed it into a dove and watched it fly away. *sigh* What a waste of a great tissue...

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