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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Girl sneezes on an overcrowded city bus( female)


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Hi everyone. Due to the big success of my last observation I decided to write an other one. This is my second observation and I know that my English and my style of writing are not the best, but please be kind with me. I will surely progress. Thank you very much for reading it and giving me constructive critizism.

I like when people sniffle and sneeze. My fetish goes wild when I am offering or being offered tissues. It is a long wish of me to get this kind of situation at some time, this day, after a lot of working, my wish finally came true! biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png After my working time at the flower shop I love going home. My daughter is always waiting there for me after school and she needs me. I am also glad to cook something for us two. I hate overcrowded public transports, especially buses, but if you haven't got a car and you have to go home it is the only way to get it. You have to know that I have to take the bus twice and the subway to get home, so it is really exhausting for me!! But this time it was a real pleasure. Temperatures had decreased this days and had fallen from 25 degrees celcius to 13 degrees. I had to put on a hot jacket and a wool pullover to get through this absolutely miserable, incovenient, windy and rainy day. Autumn feeling at the end of August!!! I couldn't get it!

As I arrived at the bus station I am glad to look forward for a seat but I couldn't have one because all the seats were taken by others. In my Job I always have to stand!!! I walked towards the dropped kerb, where the bus usualy stops. I looked at the electronic timetable above me. My bus should arrive in 10 minutes. I took my iphone out of my pocket and decided to play a game to kill time. Suddenly I heard a congested sound, like sniffling, you know this kind of sniffling that indicates you that there is something in your nostril, like schniffggllll, schniffggllllchhh!!

I looked around. One metre away from me was a young girl in her twenties. Has she produced this rude sound? I am going to describe her a little bit.

Well, she was about 1.70m, has got light brown, shoulder length hair that was matted to rastas, a nice slim face, a short nose, bright blue eyes, pale complexion and a thin build. On her face she had two piercings: one on her left eyebrow, one on her philtrum. She also had a lot of little earrings, about five an each ear. Her outfit was daring concerning the bad weather conditions and absolutely unadapted. She wore some black sneakers with red embroidered flowers on them, black holey jeans, a short thin red unbuttoned cardigan and beneath a brown tank top. Her cardigan wasn't tight enough to cover her collarbone part, so there was a nice cleavage with a butterfly tattoo on her left breast that was half through covered by her tank top and two piercings on her collarbone part, one on each side. A knitted shoulder bag was on the ground between her legs. I also could see that she has the creeps on her arms. A nice necklace completed it. She was completely absorbed into a book, older literature I think. I couldn't stop to look at her. After 20 seconds she put her finger under her nose to wipe the moisture away and sniffed three times like schniffgllllll, schnichchglll, schnichchgll!!!! Then she continued reading. Every 20 seconds she sniffed three ore more times and the congestion went more and more on. Each sniffles sounded more gurgling than the previous one. Suddenly she interrupt her lecture and opened her mouth. She had this nice presneeze exp<b></b>ression that you all know. She tried stifle the sneeze but then she let out a desperate Heitschhhummm!!!! Totally uncovered. The moisture flew on to the ground and she wiped her nose with her wrist accompanied by a gurgling sniffle. I tried to get closer to her because I wouldn't miss her as she gets on the bus. Her nose gets more running that I expected. She wiped it every 10 seconds with her wrist and wiped it then on her jeans.

The bus finally arrived, she put her book into her shoulder bag and put it on. She got on the bus. For God's sake she took a seat which was made for two persons, so I could sit beside her. The single seats were all taken , so I had to.

sport.gifsport.gif She took her book out of her bag and continued reading. It was Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. The fact that I was sitting all that close to her opened a complete new chapter of my impression. Her sniffling not only happened every 30 seconds. It happened each time she breathed in!! It was no as loud as the other ones I heard before but they were still congested and gurgling. Then came the big sniffles back again. Schniffglllll!!!!, Schniffgglllllchhhhh!!!! Godness that sound! Heaven. Then suddenly she interrupted her lecture again and had to sneeze. She stifled two sneezes with her hand , but the third sneezes was to big to hold back. Aaaaaahhaischthhhhhiiii!!! This sneeze was half covered. because she had her book and she used one hand to cover her sneeze and the other to hold her book. Her whole body shook and she sprayed her chest. Little droplets where running down into her cleavage, she didn't care about it, she only wiped the collarbone part, with a resolute hand strike. Then she continued sniffling like Schnffglll!!! Schniffglcchhhh!!! Later she looked around and she lokked at me with a begging glimpse. Then she said: "Excuse me Miss... I know it is not all that kind, but you know I think I am coming down with some like a cold and I forgot to put tissued in. Could you give one or two please? " It was an embarassing moment for her, finally I took a small package of tissues, pulled two tissues out of it and passed them to her. I could really see the redemption in her eyes as she took the tissues and brought them up to her nose to blow it. The noise was gurgling and the tissue was soaked after the blow. After that I couldn't hear her sniffing anymore, and 10 minutes later I had to get off the bus because my subway station was there. I lost sight of her as the bus pulled away and I thought that it was a pitty to left her back but I couldn't afford it to follow her because my daughter was waiting for me at home. Perhaps I would see her again at the same busstop. w00t.gifw00t.gif

I hope this observation was good enough to be read by the full members of this forum. I know that I write in a descriptive way, near from realitiy this experience really stamped me because there are such a lot of elements at one moment that refer to my fetish: Sniffling, Noseblowing, asking for Tissues and shivering. biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

Well, if you are interested in other observations I will look for more ones. But only if you say that it is ok and that I have the potential of progressing from time to time. I know. my story could never touch the premium stories and observations of full members, out I hope to participate there at one time.

Bye, and see you later for an other observation or story. bounce.gifbounce.gifclap.gif


Edited by High on Lullabies
Fixed emoticon links - HoL
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Wow how lucky that you got to sit next to her! And that she wasn't too shy to ask for tissues (but it still seems like she was a little embarrassed about it). Thanks for sharing and welcome to the forum! I didn't have any problems understanding your writing either, I like it, very detailed.

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  • 3 months later...

Wow, that was amazing! You were so lucky! I love bus obs because of the enclosed space filled with germs! Please post more obs! I think you ate a great writer!

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Wait, am I misunderstanding, or is English your second language? If English was your second language...I couldn't tell a bit! Nice observation... Asking for tissues....Aw.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

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