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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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Greetings everyone!

So, straight away, I have a confession to make: I don't have a sneeze fetish. Please don't stone me right away :)

That doesn't mean I'm innocent, however. I'm active in my local BDSM scene, and have had a lifelong tickling fetish. From the little bit I've read on this forum so far, it would seem that there are some similarities between the tickling and sneezing fetishes, particularly in the early age of onset and the love of reaction that seem to be hallmarks of both.

So, what am I doing here, you might ask? Well, I came across a bit of sneeze fiction not that long ago wherein a dominant female character got immense pleasure from using allergies to torment her willing submissive with sneezing fits. That story was very arousing to me, and I discovered a bit later that some sneeze fetishists have a thing for tickling noses, which has a resonance for me as part of the tickling world.

I've been poking around a bit, and while I am not sure I necessarily fit like a glove in these environs, I'm genuinely interested. Generally, situations of female dominance and playful, mischievous torment excite me, so I suppose I hope to meet other folks who see the sneeze fetish in that light. Failing that, I hope to meet nice people in general, and to express fetishist camaraderie!

Nice to meet you all :)

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Generally, situations of female dominance and playful, mischievous torment excite me,

Have a look around the 'Stories' section of the forum and I guarantee you will find plenty of this...

Welcome to the forum :D

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Good to see you here! I'm looking forward to interesting discussions about power and control, BDSM, tickling, and other nice&naughty topics. :yes:

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Welcome to our little corner of the web.

I'm Ben, and I like you have a thing for tickling. I don't know which I like more tickling or sneezing.

In the end I like them both equally. <3

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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! This seems like a very friendly place. I'm also noticing a fair bit of Japanese culture strewn about, so let me also say douzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu!

Good to see you here! I'm looking forward to interesting discussions about power and control, BDSM, tickling, and other nice&naughty topics. yes.gif

Thanks Maru-chan! I'll try not to disappoint. Are those topics that interest you a lot as well? :)

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Welcome to our little corner of the web.

I'm Ben, and I like you have a thing for tickling. I don't know which I like more tickling or sneezing.

In the end I like them both equally. <3

Hi Ben! Nice to meet a fellow tickling enthusiast. Are you ler or lee? Or both?

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Welcome to the forum! I love your display picture; feathers and fire, an awesome combination x3

I'm sure you'll meet a lot of like-minded fetishists here. I myself have a bit of a thing for nose-tickling to induce a sneeze. ^^

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Welcome to the forum! I love your display picture; feathers and fire, an awesome combination x3

I'm sure you'll meet a lot of like-minded fetishists here. I myself have a bit of a thing for nose-tickling to induce a sneeze. ^^

Thanks! The phoenix is totally my spirit animal--glad you like the image :)

There's just something about nose-tickling, isn't there? It just seems so playful, and yet so deliciously,,,,wicked twitchsmile.gif

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Hi Ben! Nice to meet a fellow tickling enthusiast. Are you ler or lee? Or both?

I prefer to be the tickler and not the ticklee, but I can be both. Just so long as I get to have revenge. :3

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I prefer to be the tickler and not the ticklee, but I can be both. Just so long as I get to have revenge. :3

Indeed, revenge is sweet, even though I usually prefer to be the lee :)

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Welcome, Subtle! It's great to have you here and I think you have some fun interests to bring to our fetishy table :) And it helps you're from one of my favorite cities! *yay Boston!*

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Welcome, welcome! I must say, I'm a fan of the way you word yourself, SF! Lovely diction. biggrin.png

I have a bit of a tickling fascination myself, and while it doesn't tread into the fetish domain, it's still wedged into my more "quieter" interests. Heh. ^_^

Edited by Spoo
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Welcome to the forum smile.png

Thanks very much! :)

Welcome, Subtle! It's great to have you here and I think you have some fun interests to bring to our fetishy table smile.png And it helps you're from one of my favorite cities! *yay Boston!*

Thank you! Boston is a lovely place--do you live somewhat hear here?

Welcome, welcome! I must say, I'm a fan of the way you word yourself, SF! Lovely diction. biggrin.png

I have a bit of a tickling fascination myself, and while it doesn't tread into the fetish domain, it's still wedged into my more "quieter" interests. Heh. happy.png

You are very sweet! It isn't often that I get compliments on my diction. I do believe you made me blush blushsmiley.gif

If you don't mind my asking--how does a tickling fascination manifest itself if not as a fetish? Inquiring minds want to know...

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You are very sweet! It isn't often that I get compliments on my diction. I do believe you made me blush blushsmiley.gif

If you don't mind my asking--how does a tickling fascination manifest itself if not as a fetish? Inquiring minds want to know...

Apologies for the late reply! Anywho, I'm not really sure. I just know I love tickling my boyfriend and get a pleasure from it that can't just be amusement. I really like the loss of control that comes from it, much like I do from sneezing. The fact that I can make someone laugh and squirm that way is really delightful. tonguesmiley.gif

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Apologies for the late reply! Anywho, I'm not really sure. I just know I love tickling my boyfriend and get a pleasure from it that can't just be amusement. I really like the loss of control that comes from it, much like I do from sneezing. The fact that I can make someone laugh and squirm that way is really delightful. tonguesmiley.gif

And apologies for my late reply as well! That's a big part of what I like about it too, both giving and receiving--the loss of control, the overwhelming nature of the sensation. Is the sexy component much more evident for you on the sneezy side of things?

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