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Sneezy theatre boy


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So we're doing the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" up at school. There are very few boys in the production, but one of the ones there, the boy playing Lysander, is sick or starting to get sick. He's been coughing a little during rehearsals and things, nothing too major. And then all of a sudden yesterday we were onstage together and he sneezed.

I swear to God it was the most adorable thing ever.

He doesn't have a very strong sneeze. In fact, it's kind of feminine and usually that doesn't do anything for me. But this was actually adorable and got me all shivery and bothered. It was just a soft little Heehhhh-shhhhhew! I swear, I had to restrain myself quite a bit. Internally I was just like uhhuh.gifsurprise.gifdrool.gifhyper.gif

But externally I thankfully was the picture of calm.

I have another rehearsal coming up and can only hope I get to hear it again (and again).

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I love sneezy guys in the theatre.

I second that. I can't wait 'till my drama group starts to rehearse again.

Thank you for sharing! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for the support! Oh gosh, it was very pretty. But he hasn't done it since. I think he's getting better, which is both good and bad I suppose.

@sexyhankysneeze, yes, I was very nervous I'd given myself away because I totally broke character for a second. Oops!

Is it wrong to hope that this allergy season brings with it some more lovely onstage sneezes? xD

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Thank you all for the support! Oh gosh, it was very pretty. But he hasn't done it since. I think he's getting better, which is both good and bad I suppose.

@sexyhankysneeze, yes, I was very nervous I'd given myself away because I totally broke character for a second. Oops!

Is it wrong to hope that this allergy season brings with it some more lovely onstage sneezes? xD

if anyone notices you acting strangely just say you're a germaphobe

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Thank you all for the support! Oh gosh, it was very pretty. But he hasn't done it since. I think he's getting better, which is both good and bad I suppose.

@sexyhankysneeze, yes, I was very nervous I'd given myself away because I totally broke character for a second. Oops!

Is it wrong to hope that this allergy season brings with it some more lovely onstage sneezes? xD

if anyone notices you acting strangely just say you're a germaphobe

This. This has saved my life so many times.

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Thank you all for the support! Oh gosh, it was very pretty. But he hasn't done it since. I think he's getting better, which is both good and bad I suppose.

@sexyhankysneeze, yes, I was very nervous I'd given myself away because I totally broke character for a second. Oops!

Is it wrong to hope that this allergy season brings with it some more lovely onstage sneezes? xD

if anyone notices you acting strangely just say you're a germaphobe

That. Is perfect. Thank you so much!

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Thank you all for the support! Oh gosh, it was very pretty. But he hasn't done it since. I think he's getting better, which is both good and bad I suppose.

@sexyhankysneeze, yes, I was very nervous I'd given myself away because I totally broke character for a second. Oops!

Is it wrong to hope that this allergy season brings with it some more lovely onstage sneezes? xD

if anyone notices you acting strangely just say you're a germaphobe

That. Is perfect. Thank you so much!

no problem ;)

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  • 5 months later...


So a few weeks ago, I took this same sneezy theatre boy to a dance at my school. It was a lot of fun - he's just an adorable, great guy.bounce.gif So polite and everything. Well, he was driving, and we were on the road and it was rainy and a little chilly, and just out of nowhere, he sneezes again! This one he tried to stifle (probably to avoid closing his eyes for too long on the road but who knows?) but it was still really soft and kittenish! Just a soft little shnnnxxgg! but ohmygod I thought I was going to explode. sweatdrop.gif He apologized and I was sitting there like "DON'T APOLOGIZE THAT WAS BRILLIANT!" Lol, but thank God I didn't say anything, and it was too dark for him to see my blush!

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