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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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I knew it was bad the minute I woke up today...I didn't sleep well & woke up with one of the worst sinus headaches of all time. The pressure was just more than I could bear. I blew my nose, or rather I tried to, but nothing came out. Resigned to the fact that it would be a stuffed-up day, I shuffled into the kitchen. I didn't really want to eat, didn't want to anything, I couldn't even breathe. But I made coffee, because if I couldn't eat, I could at least drink. As the coffee was perculating, I felt a tickle in my nose. I rubbed my nose, of course, trying to un-tickle myself. Well that never works, and within a minute I let out a *hhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu* that nearly bent me over. But sadly, it was dry. Nothing came out, and the terrible sinus pressure was still in full force :(

I sat down very carefully so as not to further upset my delicate nose. I was about to have a sip of coffee when another *huuuuuuuuuuutshhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuu*, this one much wetter than the first, rocked my head, neck, & chest forward sharply. I barely had time to grab my hanky. After a good five minutes of blowing my nose into my hanky, the sinus pressure started to lessen. Thank god.

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tomcat, I'm allergic to everything: dust, pollen, pet hair, wool, perfume, sometimes there's NOTHING, just air, and I still sneeze.

Edited by Sigrith
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Wool! I like that possibility. Now that's a nice visualization. As long as I've recognized this fetish, I've never seen a woman who's allergic to her sweater lol. I think I'd black out if I saw that lol.

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Really, I've never seen a woman allergic to her sweater or really I'd black out? Blacking out is a bit of a euphamism, I'll admit. The other, Yes... Really lol.

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