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Sneeze Horror Stories


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Stories of terrible experiences- Either when you were the sneezer or someone else was.

Well, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't go first, so here goes:

In my case, somebody else sneezed and it has forever stayed with me.

Young TK gets an unexpected icky surprise

When I was in middle school, we had all of our classes in units designated by the school. I was in Green unit, for example, and each unit had 4 teachers that you would cycle through during various parts of the day.

One of the 4 teachers was Ms. S. She had a good heart and sincere desire to help, but she weirded me out for a couple of reasons. First, she always reeked of gross-smelling spices of whatever she had been eating that day. Secondly, one of her fingers was chopped off because of some accident she had years prior, so instead of her pointer finger, she only had a nub. I know this is not her fault, but as a little kid, it was still hard to feel comfortable around her.

In any case, one day we were working on our math problems in class. I had a question, and she was helping kids at her desk, so there was a small line of people waiting to be helped by her. One by one, the kids got their questions answered, and then it was my turn to talk to her. I go up to her desk (I am in front of the desk- She is behind the desk in her chair) and lean over with my math book to get help. As I'm leaning in closely to be helped, she very suddenly rips a nasty, unrestrained sneeze full of her smelliness right at my face. Uncovered. No attempt to turn away. None. It was so disgusting. It still haunts me to this day. (shudder)

Anyone else? (Passes the torch)

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Sounds awful :(

My worst experience was also in middle school. I was going to France with my family but my dad's afraid of flying....

So: 24 hours in a small car with 4 family members with bad colds.

It. Was. Not. Fun.

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Two vacations come to mind... one in a skiing cabin. For some reason, since none of my family members ever ski.. and the weather was so bad we were practically snowed in for a whole weekend. The walls were paper-thin. And my mom had the sneeziest cold in the history of mankind, and she sneezed pretty much every ten seconds THROUGHOUT the weekend! Had it been anyone else, it would've been like living a sneezefic... now it was living hell.

Another time, I was with my sister and father on a cruise. Sharing a very, very small cabin, three days, and my sister also had the sneezy cold from hell. Not quite as bad as with my mom though, but bad enough. Ugh!

I was 15 during the first trip and 18 during the second, so it was pretty much the worst age, I mean, it's that time in your life when you don't really wanna be locked up with family anyway. Ugh!!!

It makes me shudder to this day, and I try to remove these memories from my head.

Edited by Chanel_no5
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I was at my sister's volleyball tournament a few years ago sitting in the bleachers next to my mom. There was a man behind me and a little to the right that I could see out of the corner of my eye when my head was turned. He let out a harsh, wet sneeze: hirSSHHHOOO!!! Even though he covered with one hand, I instantly got a massive mist of spray on my arm. I immediately got up and ran to the restroom for an impromptu shower. Uggggghhh it was so gross. Then later my mom brought up how some guy behind her sneezed and it sprayed all over her hand. It got her too! Yuck yuck YUCK!

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I HATE snot ... it is so freaking gross to me ... so of course, my horror story includes snot.

When I was in high school a group of friends and our moms went up to Toronto for the weekend for a girls trip. While we were there we were eating breakfast in a cafe type setting. The girls were at one table and the moms were at the other. A friend of mine has a manly, cough/deep sneeze that I am not at all attracted to, in fact, I am somewhat repulsed by it. She was also the kind of kid that had snot running down her face constantly in elementary school.

So anyway, we were sitting at the table and she said, "I'm gonna sneeze." She always announced her sneezes. I was sitting directly across from her, so I could see it all happening. He face contorted (unattractivly) and she turned to the side and sneezed a wet, gross, manly, uncovered sneeze towards the floor. Then she started laughing! She said, "Oh gross, guys ... look!" as she was pointing towards the spot she had sneezed. On the floor was the most disgusting and surprisingly big puddle of greenish yellow snot that had flown from her nose and gathered on the floor. It was probably the size of my palm! Even writing this now I am getting queesy. It was so gross ...

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my worst was definitely a few years ago when my family was eating dinner. We were all eating tacos when my mom sneezed uncovered onto the table with her mouth full, spraying half-chewed taco everywhere. It was disgusting. To this day I do not like tacos very much

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Stories of terrible experiences- Either when you were the sneezer or someone else was.

Well, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't go first, so here goes:

In my case, somebody else sneezed and it has forever stayed with me.

Young TK gets an unexpected icky surprise

When I was in middle school, we had all of our classes in units designated by the school. I was in Green unit, for example, and each unit had 4 teachers that you would cycle through during various parts of the day.

One of the 4 teachers was Ms. S. She had a good heart and sincere desire to help, but she weirded me out for a couple of reasons. First, she always reeked of gross-smelling spices of whatever she had been eating that day. Secondly, one of her fingers was chopped off because of some accident she had years prior, so instead of her pointer finger, she only had a nub. I know this is not her fault, but as a little kid, it was still hard to feel comfortable around her.

In any case, one day we were working on our math problems in class. I had a question, and she was helping kids at her desk, so there was a small line of people waiting to be helped by her. One by one, the kids got their questions answered, and then it was my turn to talk to her. I go up to her desk (I am in front of the desk- She is behind the desk in her chair) and lean over with my math book to get help. As I'm leaning in closely to be helped, she very suddenly rips a nasty, unrestrained sneeze full of her smelliness right at my face. Uncovered. No attempt to turn away. None. It was so disgusting. It still haunts me to this day. (shudder)

Anyone else? (Passes the torch)

ugh! i'd like that from some people.. but her, she just sounds so EWW!

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I'm also a huge nonbeliever of snot. It's right up there next to vomiting and I'm actually pretty certain all of this paranoia originated from my brother who is a year younger than me. He has the grossest sneezes, and I swear he breeds snot. And plus, he sneezes a lot, and in multiples, totally uncovered, and the snot, just makes me cringe.

The worst of it probably was in one of my nightmares though (my fear of snot and vomit is probably over the top, but well yeah, traumatizing experiences). It always involves me running from my brother who is sneezing openly and constantly and I'm trying to get to the other end of the hallway to the bedroom. Now this door did lock, but in my dream the door doesn't fit the frame so there's always several inches of spaces around the edges, excepting the hinged part, and the snotty hands just keep reaching through the door reaching for me. And I can't move either because otherwise the door would just fly open so all I can do is hold the door closed while he sneezes all that snot and usually I wake up then cause it's all so scary. Plus I've had this same dream several times before in the past years.

So there's my worst nightmare, literally.

Yes, my paranoia is way too much. I can't seem to be able to do anything about it though. Any suggestions perhaps?

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when we moved to the house my family lives in now, one of the people that was helping us move was coming down with something, she kept sneezing in an extremely over-used tissue and she even came into my room and started touching my stuff!!! DX i literally got out the cleaning supplies and scrubbed all my furniture....

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  • 3 years later...

How's everyone doing! Haven't been on here in quite a long time. Wanted to bump this and see if anyone had any new contributions to make to the thread of horror! Hahahaha!

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I also can't stand snot. Mine is from elementary school, when the boy sitting next to me sneezed into his hand and then opened it up and looked at it. And he had like a 2 inch long thick slimy snot caterpillar... I started gagging, and then to make matters worse he SLURPS it up into his mouth and shallows it! To this day the memory makes me shudder and I do not know how I managed to not vomit.

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I also can't stand snot. Mine is from elementary school, when the boy sitting next to me sneezed into his hand and then opened it up and looked at it. And he had like a 2 inch long thick slimy snot caterpillar... I started gagging, and then to make matters worse he SLURPS it up into his mouth and shallows it! To this day the memory makes me shudder and I do not know how I managed to not vomit.

Ewwww, I gagged just from reading it. :yuck:

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I also can't stand snot. Mine is from elementary school, when the boy sitting next to me sneezed into his hand and then opened it up and looked at it. And he had like a 2 inch long thick slimy snot caterpillar... I started gagging, and then to make matters worse he SLURPS it up into his mouth and shallows it! To this day the memory makes me shudder and I do not know how I managed to not vomit.

I AM SO SORRY. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :dead2::dead2:

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This thread has been incredibly horrific. I'm actually very genuinely sorry to hear that these things happened to you all!!

My worst wasn't the absolute worst, but I know that some of us are seriously squicked out by nosebleeds, myself included. I was at a friend's house once when I was maybe 8 or 9, and her nose started dripping blood. Gross, but whatever, it happens. But then she got a tissue and at one point showed it to me because there was a massive bloody b**ger (I don't even want to type out that word, sorry, but you know what I mean) on it. Why would you show that to somebody!!!!! I'll never forget it!!!

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