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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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Guys opinions below :))

My crush sneezes very rarely but when he does i think i love him more haha ... he doeant know ab my fetish and im not planning on telling him... how do i get him to sneeze more? Any suggestions?

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r u guys dating? or is it just ur crush?... if u two are dating then you guys can talk about something like allergies and it not be that weird... if u find out that he is allergic to something that u have in ur house u can spread it throughout ur house.... this is more of a task but if he is allergic to ccats or whatever u could gather cat hair and put it where he is going to be and.. let the magic happen?? :P haha good luck with whatever u do

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r u guys dating? or is it just ur crush?... if u two are dating then you guys can talk about something like allergies and it not be that weird... if u find out that he is allergic to something that u have in ur house u can spread it throughout ur house.... this is more of a task but if he is allergic to ccats or whatever u could gather cat hair and put it where he is going to be and.. let the magic happen?? :P haha good luck with whatever u do

You are aware that doing this kind of thing could actually be very harmful and possibly dangerous to a person with bad allergies, right?

Apart from the fact that it would be extremely creepy and morally wrong, I mean.

Just don't.

Edited by VoOs
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Seriously zorakio, think before you say things. You and rockerchicc are both old enough to know that this is simply an incredibly bad and wrong and stupid idea, so as VoOs said, just don't.

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yeah definitely a stupid idea...a person with bad enough allergies could literally die...wouldnt want to be the cause of someones death just because you want to get your rocks off now would ya? oh and people...learn how to use proper grammar for christs sake lol

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oh and people...learn how to use proper grammar for christs sake lol

... I can't. I just can't. clapping.gif

Of course, proper grammar includes the use of apostrophes. :bleh:

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This thread is full of fail.

I am also aware that by sharing this totally useless comment I am just adding fuel to the fail.


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This thread is full of fail.

A study in fail (and smartassery). Always entertaining. :D

But I think we can all agree that bad grammar and misspellings are forgivable, while making people sneeze without their consent is not.

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oh and people...learn how to use proper grammar for christs sake lol

... I can't. I just can't. clapping.gif

Of course, proper grammar includes the use of apostrophes. bleh.gif

My point exactly. There wasn't a sarcastic clap option.

More fail for the thread.

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Hey.... I know that I'm coming in and being the "downer" by breaking up the dogpiling, but...

I think that the Vast majority of people around here have wished that someone would sneeze. And *possibly* even fantasized about making someone sneeze. Also, I have heard and read many items where people played with the fetish with their partners (essentially making them sneeze).

**However** - I think that what people are trying to get across is that while it is one thing to do this with a person's knowledge and consent, and that you may wish or fantasize, that it is very much considered unethical to sort of force something fetish-wise on a person without knowledge or consent. In addition- it can be dangerous.

Btw- I'm agreed about it not being a good idea, but... I just am a bit more in favour of a slightly different approach about stating it.

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