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Downton Abbey Request


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Ok, so I realise this is a possible long shot, as I have no idea whether anyone would want to write this, but I would absolutely adore anyone if they wrote a Downton fic, with the absolutely gorgeous (if slightly evil) Thomas Barrow (aka the lovely Rob James-Collier) . But like, showing him in a positive light. He's such a cold character, I find the idea of him being sick/having allergies wonderful, as he's utterly not the type to seek sympathy from anyone, and would probably try and hide the fact if he was sick.

With the anticipation for the new series building, I have loads of Thomas Barrow feels, and would love to read something sneezy involving him.

Thank you so much!

Ps-if anyone else seems interested in reading something like this, but not writing, please reply also! As will possibly try writing something of my own, but I'd like to know there was some interest. And I'd way rather read something that somebody else has written. Thanks again.

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I love Downton Abbey and I've written a Mary Crowley fic that's posted here somewhere. I'm not sure I could do Thomas justice, but I'd definitely read someone else's fic :)

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  • 1 month later...

I loooove Downton Abbey too. That combo season 1&2 pack just came out, and I can't put it down. There's a couple fics about, but I'd Love to read more, especially about Carson or Bates.

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