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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Potential Problems for UK Forum Users...?


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The Government is under increasing pressure to force Internet Service Providers to make their customers 'opt in' to being able to view adult material on the net. So... does this forum count as adult material? I know the moderators here do an amazing job of keeping adult material separate from the public site, but will the fact that this is foremost a fetish site mean that it will automatically be blocked along with any other 'adult' site? Will this cause issues for the large number of under 18 members who use this forum, as presumably it will be their parents who get to make the choice?

If someone has a better idea of how these things work or may be implimented, please post your ideas here. Could this cause future problems? Not massively knowledgeable on computer issues, so maybe I am just worrying unduely.

Ideas? Comments?

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Oh, no... That doesn't sound good. At all. Luckily for me, my parents know of the fetish, and are quite supportive actually (When they're not teasing me.) So I'm sure they'd be fine with it. Either way, the government shouldn't be doing this to us. The country's gone downhill ever since Cameron came into power. D<

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I might be mistaken, but from what you said, I would imagine that it would work as in US where schools, workplaces, libraries, and individual homes can opt to have filters put on. So... if there is a US forum person they might get blocked depending on the filter- I would imagine that it would work the same way.

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Typical right wing being typical by forcing people to feel ashamed of exploring their sexual desires and sexuality since, y'know, one of the main avenues these days for people to explore/express their sexuality is the internet.

To me, being forced to 'opt' to be allowed to see adult content is just another way of making people feel dirty. I know if I had to call up my internet company and ask if they'll allow me to access adult content through my 'net, I'd sure as hell feel awkward.

I'm having to repress my rage right now, since I feel that if I carried on any more, it'd be more apt for the Snake Pit. :|

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Nah, the chances are, they won't think it's an issue since 99% of people would never want to go on this website and they wouldn't find it sexual. If someone without a sneeze fetish briefly looked at this website, they would just think that we're all weird and we can't possibly find it entertaining, since that's what most people seem to think when they hear about our fetish.

I mean, they probably have strict guidelines when categorising websites as sexual and I doubt sneezing would fit into that category.

Luckily for me, my parents know of the fetish, and are quite supportive actually (When they're not teasing me.)

May I ask how they found out?

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Luckily for me, my parents know of the fetish, and are quite supportive actually (When they're not teasing me.)

May I ask how they found out?

Ah, yes. was young, only just got here, and foolishly left a tab with the forum on the computer, and went for tea. The computer's in the front room, by the telly. Whilst I was gone, Norton decided to detect a Trojian horse on the computer, dad went to sort it, and history was wrote. They didn't believe me, I think they thought that I liked it when i sneezed, not other people, but I put them right. Ever since, they've been super-cool with it. :D

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Nah, the chances are, they won't think it's an issue since 99% of people would never want to go on this website and they wouldn't find it sexual.

Interestingly, the site is blocked when I try to access it through my smartphone when using the mobile network rather than a wireless connection. Maybe having the word 'fetish' automatically qualifies it for a blocking with certain networks?

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